This directory contains several sample RPC distributed applications. Directory Description HELLO Print a string "hello, world" on the server WHELLO Windows version of "hello, world" sample DATA\INOUT Directional attributes DATA\DUNION Discriminated union DATA\XMIT Transmit as attribute HANDLES\AUTO Auto handles HANDLES\USRDEF User-defined handles HANDLES\CXHNDL Context handles DOCTOR RPC version of Eliza-like therapist program MANDEL Mandelbrot set Windows sample The source files within each directory (with the exception of the Windows samples) follow the naming convention: Instructions to build, run the sample .IDL Interface definition language file .ACF Attribute configuration file C.C Client main program S.C Server main program P.C Remote procedures MAKEFILE Nmake file to build NT version MAKEFILE.DOS Nmake file to build MS-DOS version The Microsoft Windows sample programs use several additional files and do not conform to this naming convention. See the file in each directory for specific information about the files.