//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993. // // File: rotif.cxx // // Contents: Initialization for SCM ROT and RPC interface // // Functions: InitScmRot // IrotRegister // IrotRevoke // IrotIsRunning // IrotGetObject // IrotNoteChangeTime // IrotGetTimeOfLastChange // IrotEnumRunning // GetObjectFromRot // // History: 24-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include "dbgprt.hxx" CScmRot *gpscmrot = NULL; extern void CheckLocalCall( handle_t hRpc ); #ifndef _CHICAGO_ //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: InitScmRot // // Synopsis: Initialize ROT Directory for the SCM // NOTE: if InitRotDir is ever called by any process other than the // SCM then the RpcServerRegisterIf may fail with RPC_S_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED // in some unusal cases. Change the error checking code to ignore that error. // // Returns: S_OK - Created ROT directory successfully // // History: 17-Nov-93 Ricksa Created // 26-Jul-94 AndyH Added warning above while bug hunting. // 25-Jan-95 Ricksa New rot // // Notes: This routine is only in non-chicago builds // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT InitScmRot() { CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN InitScmRot \n", NULL)); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; gpscmrot = new CScmRot(hr, ROTHINT_NAME); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SCODE sc = RpcServerRegisterIf(IROT_ServerIfHandle, 0, 0); Win4Assert((sc == 0) && "RpcServerRegisterIf for IRotDir failed!"); if ( sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(sc); delete gpscmrot; } } CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT InitScmRot ( %lx )\n", NULL, hr)); return hr; } #endif // !_CHICAGO_ //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotRegister // // Synopsis: Main entry point for registering an item in the ROT // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [pmkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer // [pifdObject] - marshaled object // [pifdObjectName] - marshaled moniker // [pfiletime] - time of last change // [dwProcessID] - process ID for object // [psrkRegister] - SCM registration ID // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: The purpose of this routine is really just to make the // code more readable. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotRegister( handle_t hRpc, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ PHPROCESS phProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf, InterfaceData *pifdObject, InterfaceData *pifdObjectName, FILETIME *pfiletime, DWORD dwProcessID, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ WCHAR *pwszServerExe, #endif SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotRegister\n", NULL)); DbgPrintMnkEqBuf("_IN Moinker Compare Buffer:", pmkeqbuf); DbgPrintIFD("_IN Object Interface Data:", pifdObject); DbgPrintIFD("_IN Moniker Interface Data:", pifdObject); DbgPrintFileTime("_IN FileTime: ", pfiletime); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "_IN Process ID: %lX\n", dwProcessID)); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->Register( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ ((CProcess *)phProcess)->GetToken(), pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif pmkeqbuf, pifdObject, pifdObjectName, pfiletime, dwProcessID, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ pwszServerExe, #endif psrkRegister); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotRegister\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult %lX\n", hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DbgPrintScmRegKey("OUT Register Key: ", psrkRegister); } #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotRevoke // // Synopsis: Main entry point for revoking an item from the ROT // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [psrkRegister] - SCM registration ID // [fServer] - whether object server is deregistering // [ppifdObject] - returned marshaled object // [ppifdObjectName] - returned marshaled moniker // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: The purpose of this routine is really just to make the // code more readable. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotRevoke( handle_t hRpc, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, BOOL fServer, InterfaceData **ppifdObject, InterfaceData **ppifdName, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotRevoke\n", NULL)); DbgPrintScmRegKey("_IN Revoke Key: ", psrkRegister); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "_IN Server Flag: %s\n", fServer ? "Server" : "Client")); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "_IN Object Interface Data Ptr: %lx\n", ppifdObject)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "_IN Moniker Interface Data Ptr: %lx\n", ppifdName)); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->Revoke(psrkRegister, fServer, ppifdObject, ppifdName); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotRevoke\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); if (*ppifdObject != NULL) { DbgPrintIFD("OUT Object Interface Data:", *ppifdObject); } if (*ppifdName != NULL) { DbgPrintIFD("OUT Moniker Interface Data:", *ppifdName); } #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotIsRunning // // Synopsis: Main entry point for determining if an entry is in the ROT // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [pmkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: The purpose of this routine is really just to make the // code more readable. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotIsRunning( handle_t hRpc, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ PHPROCESS phProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotIsRunning\n", NULL)); DbgPrintMnkEqBuf("_IN Moniker Compare Buffer:", pmkeqbuf); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->IsRunning( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ ((CProcess *)phProcess)->GetToken(), pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif pmkeqbuf); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotIsRunning\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotGetObject // // Synopsis: Main entry point for getting an object from the ROT // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [dwProcessID] - process id for object // [pmkeqbuf] - moniker equality buffer // [psrkRegister] - Registration ID of returned Object // [ppifdObject] - returned marshaled object // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotGetObject( handle_t hRpc, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ PHPROCESS phProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif DWORD dwProcessID, MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, InterfaceData **ppifdObject, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotGetObject\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "_IN Process ID: %lX\n", dwProcessID)); DbgPrintMnkEqBuf("_IN Moniker Compare Buffer:", pmkeqbuf); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->GetObject( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ ((CProcess *)phProcess)->GetToken(), pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif dwProcessID, pmkeqbuf, psrkRegister, ppifdObject); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotGetObject\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DbgPrintScmRegKey("OUT Register Key: ", psrkRegister); DbgPrintIFD("OUT Object Interface Data:", *ppifdObject); } #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotNoteChangeTime // // Synopsis: Main entry point for setting the change time of an object // int the ROT. // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [psrkRegister] - Registration ID of Object to update // [pfiletime] - new change time for the object // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotNoteChangeTime( handle_t hRpc, SCMREGKEY *psrkRegister, FILETIME *pfiletime, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotNoteChangeTime\n", NULL)); DbgPrintScmRegKey("_IN Revoke Key: ", psrkRegister); DbgPrintFileTime("_IN FileTime: ", pfiletime); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->NoteChangeTime(psrkRegister, pfiletime); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotRevoke\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotGetTimeOfLastChange // // Synopsis: Main entry point for getting the change time of an object // int the ROT. // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [pmkeqbuf] - Moniker for object // [pfiletime] - new change time for the object // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotGetTimeOfLastChange( handle_t hRpc, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ PHPROCESS phProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif MNKEQBUF *pmkeqbuf, FILETIME *pfiletime, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotGetTimeOfLastChange\n", NULL)); DbgPrintMnkEqBuf("_IN Moniker Compare Buffer:", pmkeqbuf); #endif // DBG == 1 HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->GetTimeOfLastChange( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ ((CProcess *)phProcess)->GetToken(), pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif pmkeqbuf, pfiletime); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotGetTimeOfLastChange\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); DbgPrintFileTime("OUT FileTime: ", pfiletime); #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IrotEnumRunning // // Synopsis: Main entry point for getting all monikers to running objects // int the ROT. // // Arguments: [hRpc] - rpc handle to SCM // [ppMKIFList] - list of marshaled monikers to running objects // [prpcstat] - RPC communication status // // Returns: NOERROR // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT IrotEnumRunning( handle_t hRpc, #ifndef _CHICAGO_ PHPROCESS phProcess, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif MkInterfaceList **ppMkIFList, error_status_t *prpcstat) { CheckLocalCall( hRpc ); VDATEHEAP(); *prpcstat = RPC_S_OK; CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p _IN IrotEnumRunning\n", NULL)); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { hr = gpscmrot->EnumRunning( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ ((CProcess *)phProcess)->GetToken(), pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif ppMkIFList); } #if DBG == 1 CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "%p OUT IrotEnumRunning\n", NULL)); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_SCM, "OUT Hresult : %lx\n", hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DbgPrintMkIfList("OUT Moniker IF List: ", ppMkIFList); } #endif // DBG == 1 VDATEHEAP(); return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetObjectFromRot // // Synopsis: Helper for binding to locate an object in the ROT // // Arguments: [pwszPath] - path for bind // [ppifdObject] - marshaled output buffer // // Returns: NOERROR // // Algorithm: Get the ROT. Create a moniker comparison buffer for searching // the ROT. Then try to get the object out of the ROT. // // History: 30-Jan-95 Ricksa Created // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT GetObjectFromRot( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ CToken *pToken, WCHAR *pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif WCHAR *pwszPath, InterfaceData **ppifdObject) { VDATEHEAP(); CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p _IN GetObjectFromRot " "( %p , %p )\n", NULL, pwszPath, ppifdObject)); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (gpscmrot != NULL) { // Create a moniker equality buffer from path CTmpMkEqBuf tmeb; hr = CreateFileMonikerComparisonBuffer(pwszPath, tmeb.GetBuf(), tmeb.GetSize(), tmeb.GetSizeAddr()); if (hr == NOERROR) { // SCMREGKEY which we won't really use SCMREGKEY srkRegister; hr = gpscmrot->GetObject( #ifndef _CHICAGO_ pToken, pwszWinstaDesktop, #endif 0, tmeb.GetMkEqBuf(), &srkRegister, ppifdObject ); } } CairoleDebugOut((DEB_ROT, "%p OUT GetObjectFromRot ( %lx ) [ %p ]\n", NULL, hr, *ppifdObject)); return hr; }