//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993. // // File: ddeerr.h // // Contents: Error codes from the previous release // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 4-26-94 kevinro Commented/cleaned // // This is actually the contents from ole2anac.h, with some parts removed. // Specifically, including ole2anac.h renamed DAdvise and friends, which // is bad. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined( _OLE2ANAC_H_ ) #define _OLE2ANAC_H_ typedef enum tagSTGSTATE { STGSTATE_DOC = 1, STGSTATE_CONVERT = 2, STGSTATE_FILESTGSAME = 4 } STGSTATE; #define MK_E_EXCEEDED_DEADLINE MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE #define MK_E_NEED_GENERIC MK_E_NEEDGENERIC #define MK_E_INVALID_EXTENSION MK_E_INVALIDEXTENSION #define MK_E_INTERMEDIATE_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED \ MK_E_INTERMEDIATEINTERFACENONOT_SUPPORTED #define MK_E_NOT_BINDABLE MK_E_NOTBINDABLE #define S_TRUE S_OK #define E_BLANK OLE_E_BLANK #define E_STATIC OLE_E_STATIC #define E_NOTRUNNING OLE_E_NOTRUNNING #define E_FORMAT DV_E_CLIPFORMAT #define OLE_E_CLSID REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG #define OLE_E_NOTSUPPORTED E_NOTIMPL #define OLE_E_REGDB_KEY REGDB_E_KEYMISSING #define OLE_E_REGDB_FMT REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE #define OLEVERB_PRIMARY OLEIVERB_PRIMARY #define OLEVERB_SHOW OLEIVERB_SHOW // these DDE error codes are not returned anymore; these definitions are // here just to make existing code compile without changes. #define RPC_E_FIRST MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_RPC, 0x000) #define RPC_E_DDE_FIRST MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_RPC, 0x100) #define RPC_E_DDE_BUSY (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0x0) #define RPC_E_DDE_CANT_UPDATE (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0x1) #define RPC_E_DDE_INIT (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0x2) #define RPC_E_DDE_NACK E_FAIL #define RPC_E_DDE_LAUNCH CO_E_APPNOTFOUND #define RPC_E_DDE_POST RPC_E_SERVER_DIED #define RPC_E_DDE_PROTOCOL (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0x6) #define RPC_E_DDE_REVOKE (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0x7) #define RPC_E_DDE_SYNTAX_EXECUTE RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER #define RPC_E_DDE_SYNTAX_ITEM RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER #define RPC_E_DDE_UNEXP_MSG (RPC_E_DDE_FIRST + 0xa) #define RPC_E_DDE_DATA RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER #define RPC_E_CONNECTION_LOST (RPC_E_FIRST + 0x6) #define RPC_E_BUSY (RPC_E_FIRST + 0x0) #define RPC_E_MSG_REJECTED (RPC_E_FIRST + 0x1) #define RPC_E_CANCELLED (RPC_E_FIRST + 0x2) #define RPC_E_DISPATCH_ASYNCCALL (RPC_E_FIRST + 0x4) #endif // _OLE2ANAC_H_