Abos - Abiosdsk Adap - Adapter objects Adbe - Adobe's font driver Afd? - AFD objects AfdA - Afd EA buffer Afda - Afd APC buffer (NT 3.51 only) AfdB - Afd data buffer AfdC - Afd connection structure Afdc - Afd connect data buffer AfdD - Afd debug data Afdd - Afd disconnect data buffer AfdE - Afd endpoint structure AfdF - Afd TransmitFile info Afdf - Afd TransmitFile debug data AfdG - Afd group table AfdI - Afd TDI data Afdi - Afd "set inline mode" buffer AfdL - Afd local address buffer Afdl - Afd lookaside lists buffer AfdP - Afd poll info AfdQ - Afd work queue item AfdR - Afd remote address buffer Afdr - Afd ERESOURCE buffer AfdS - Afd security info AfdT - Afd transport info AfdW - Afd work item AfdX - Afd context buffer Afp - SFM File server AtC - atd_conf.c - IDE disk configuration AtD - atdisk.c Atk - Appletalk transport Atom - Atom tables and atoms call - debugging call tables CM - Configuration Manager (registry) CMkb - registry key control blocks CMpb - registry post blocks CMnb - registry notify blocks CMpe - registry post events CMpa - registry post apcs COMX - serial driver allocations Cc - Cache manager allocations CdA - CdAudio filter driver Cdcc - CDFS Ccb Cddn - CDFS CdName in dirent Cdee - CDFS Search expression for enumeration Cdfd - CDFS Data Fcb Cdfi - CDFS Index Fcb Cdfl - CDFS Filelock CdFn - CDFS Filename buffer Cdfn - CDFS Nonpaged Fcb Cdft - CDFS Fcb Table entry Cdgs - CDFS Generated short name Cdic - CDFS Irp Context Cdil - CDFS Irp Context lite Cdio - CDFS Io context for async reads Cdma - CDFS Mcb array Cdpe - CDFS Prefix Entry CdPn - CDFS CdName in path entry Cdpn - CDFS Prefix Entry name Cdsp - CDFS Buffer for spanning path table Cdtc - CDFS TOC Cdun - CDFS Buffer for upcased name Cdvd - CDFS Buffer for volume descriptor Cdvp - CDFS Vpb allocated in filesystem Ddk - Default for driver allocated memory (user's of ntddk.h) Devi - Device objects Dire - Directory objects DPrf - Disk performance filter driver - diskperf.c Dpsm - Postcript driver memory Dpsh - Postcript driver heap memory Drsd - Rasdd Printer Driver Pool Tag. Driv - Driver objects D851 - 8514a video driver Dati - ati video driver Dcl - cirrus video driver Dfb - framebuf video driver Djz - jzvxl484 video driver Dmga - mga (matrox) video driver Dpsi - psidisp video driver Dqv - qv (qvision) video driver Dtga - tga video driver Dvga - vga 16 color video driver Dvg2 - vga 256 color video driver Dvg6 - vga 64K color video driver Dvgr - vga for risc video driver DW32 - W32 video driver Dwd - wd90c24a video driver Dwp9 - weitekp9 video driver Dxga - XGA video driver Dump - Bugcheck dump allocations Evid - Rtl Event ID's Even - Event objects FSfm - File System Run Time Fast Mutex Lookaside List FSrt - File System Run Time allocations Fat - Fat File System allocations Flop - floppy driver flnk - font link tag used in ntgdi\gre File - File objects FTrc - Fault tolerance Slist tag. FtC - Fault tolerance driver - config.c FtM - Fault tolerance driver - mirror.c FtS - Fault tolerance driver - stripe.c FtT - Fault tolerance driver - thread.c FtU - Fault tolerance driver - ftutil.c FtV - Fault tolerance driver - volset.c G??? - Gdi Objects G - Gdi Generic allocations Gcac - Gdi glyph cache Gcap - Gdi capture buffer GDev - Gdi pdev Gfsm - Gdi Fast mutex Ggls - Gdi glyphset Ggb - Gdi glyph bits Ggbl - Gdi look aside buffers Ghmg - Gdi handle manager objects Gh 0-Gh N Gdi Handle manager specific object types: defined in w32\ntgdi\inc\ntgdistr.h Ghtg - Gdi Handle tracking structure Gldv - Gdi Ldev Gpff - Gdi physical font file Gsem - Gdi Semaphores Gtmp - Gdi temporary allocations Gxlt - Gdi Xlate Hpfs - Pinball (aka Hpfs) allocations HisC - histogram filter driver - config.c Hist - histogram filter driver - histgram.c IPX - Nwlnkipx transport Ifs - Default file system allocations (user's of ntifs.h) Io - general IO allocations IoEa - Io extended attributes IoEr - Io error log packets IoNm - Io parsing names IoSe - Io security related IoSh - Io shutdown packet IoTi - Io timers Ioin - Io interrupts Irp - Io, IRP packets Key - Key objects LB?? - LM Datagram receiver allocations LBan - Server announcement LBvb - View buffer LBma - Master announce context LBxp - Transport LBxn - TransportName LBxm - Master name LBtn - Transport name LBea - Ea buffer LBds - Send datagram context LBci - Connection info LBmh - Mailslot header LBbl - Backup List LBsl - Browser server list LBbs - Browser server LBgb - GetBackupList request LBbr - GetBackupList response LBmb - Mailslot Buffer LBid - Illegal datagram context LBbn - Name LBnn - Name name LBic - IRP context LBwi - Work item LBel - Election context LBbb - Become backup context LBbr - Become backup request LBpn - Paged Name LBpt - Paged transport Lfs - Lfs allocations LpcZ - LPC Zone Lr?? - LM redirector allocations Lr - Generic allocations Lrcx - Context blocks of various types Lrcl - ConnectListEntries Lrsl - ServerListEntries Lrse - Security entry Lrsc - Search Control Blocks Lrea - EA related allocations Lric - Instance Control Blocks Lrfc - File Control Blocks Lrfl - Fcb Locks Lrfp - Fcb Paging locks Lrcn - Computer Name Lrdn - Domain Name Lr?? - Buffers used for FsControlFile APIs Lrlc - Lock Control Blocks Lrlb - Lock Control Block buffers Lrnf - Non paged FCB Lrnt - Non paged transport Lrps - Paged security entry Lrte - Transport event. Lrxx - Transceive context blocks Lr!! - Cancel request context blocks Lrmt - MPX table Lrme - MPX table entries Lrsx - Send contexts Lraw - Async write context Lrwb - Write behind buffer header Lrbb - Write behind buffer Lrwq - Work queue item Lrac - ACL for redirector Lrds - Security Descriptor for redirector Lrsm - SMB buffer Lrds - Duplicated ansi string Lrdu - Duplicated unicode string Lxpt - Transport Lrtc - Transport connection Lrna - Netbios Addresses Lrca - Temporary storage used in name canonicalization Lr2x - Transact SMB context Lrpt - Primary transport server list Lrso - Operating system name Lref - Reference history (debug only) LS?? - LM server allocations LSbf - buffer descriptor LScn - connection LSep - endpoint LSlf - LFCB LSmf - MFCB LSrf - RFCB LSsr - search LSsc - search(core) LSsp - search(core complete) LSss - session LSsh - share LStr - transaction LStc - tree connect LSop - oplock break wait LScd - comm device LSwi - initial work context LSwn - normal work context LSwr - raw work context LSdb - data buffer LStb - table LSnh - nonpaged block header LSpc - paged connection LSpr - paged RFCB LSpm - paged MFCB LSti - timer Mdl - Io, Mdls Mm - general Mm Allocations MmCa - Mm control areas for mapped files MmCi - Mm control areas for images MmCm - Calls made to MmAllocateContiguousMemory MmDT - Mm debug MmEx - Mm events MmIn - Mm inpaged io structures MmLd - Mm load module database MmPg - Mm page table pages at init time MmRw - Mm read write virtual memory buffers MmSb - Mm subsections MmSg - Mm segments MmSt - Mm section object prototype ptes Mmdl - Mm Mdls for flushes Mmpp - Mm prototype PTEs for pool MmVd - Mm virtual address descriptors for mapped views MmVs - Mm virtual address descriptors short form (private views) Mmxx - Mm temporary allocations Mup - Multiple UNC provider allocations Muta - Mutant objects NBF - general NBF allocations NBFa - address object NBFc - connection object NBFf - address file object NBFl - link object NBFn - network name NBFp - packet NBFr - request NBFt - buffer tag NBFu - UI frame NBI - NwlnkNb transport NBS - general NetBIOS allocations NBSa - address block NBSc - connection block NBSe - EA buffer NBSf - FCB NBSl - LANA block NBSn - copy of user NCB NBSr - registry allocations NBSx - XNS NETONE address (connect block) NBSy - NetBIOS address (connect block) NBSz - NetBIOS address (listen block) ND - general NDIS allocations NDam - NdisAllocateMemory NDan - adapter name NDdb - DMA block NDlb - lookahead buffer NDmb - MAC block NDmr - map register entry array NDob - open block NDpb - protocol block NDpp - packet pool NDrl - resource list NDsi - EISA slot information NDsm - Cached shared memory descriptor Nls - Nls strings None - call to ExAllocatePool Npfs - Npfs Allocations NS?? - Netware server allocations Ntf? - NTFS Specific allocation tags Ntf0 - general pool allocation Ntf9 - Large Temporary Buffer NtfC - CCB Ntfc - CCB_DATA NtfD - DEALLOCATED_RECORDS NtfE - INDEX_CONTEXT NtfF - FCB_INDEX Ntff - FCB_DATA NtfI - NTFS_IO_CONTEXT Ntfi - IRP_CONTEXT NtfK - KEVENT Ntfk - FILE_LOCK Ntfl - LCB NtfM - NTFS_MCB_ENTRY Ntfm - NTFS_MCB_ARRAY NtfN - NUKEM Ntfn - SCB_NONPAGED NtfQ - QUOTA_CONTROL_BLOCK Ntfq - General Allocation with Quota NtfR - READ_AHEAD_THREAD Ntfr - ERESOURCE NtfS - SCB_INDEX Ntfs - SCB_DATA NtfT - SCB_SNAPSHOT Ntft - SCB (Prerestart) NtfV - VPB Ntfx - General Allocation NtF? - NTFS tags based on source module with the exception of NtFt NtFA - AttrSup.c NtFB - BitmpSup.c NtFC - Create.c NtFD - DevioSup.c NtFd - DirCtrl.c NtFE - Ea.c NtFF - FileInfo.c NtFf - FsCtrl.c NtFI - IndexSup.c NtFL - LogSup.c NtFM - McbSup.c NtFN - NtfsData.c NtFQ - QuotaSup.c NtFR - RestrSup.c NtFS - SecurSup.c NtFs - StrucSup.c NtFV - VerfySup.c NtFv - ViewSup.c NtFW - Write.c NtFt - FtDisk allocations Nwcs - Client Services for NetWare ObSq - object security descriptors (query) ObCi - captured information for ObCreateObject ObDi - object directory ObHd - object handle count data base ObNm - object names ObZn - object zone ObjT - object type objects Obtb - object tables via EX handle.c ObTR - object table ERESOURCEs Obeb - object tables extra bit tables via EX handle.c Of?? - Ofs Base OfCc - Ofs CCBs OfDf - Ofs Docfile OfDn - Ofs Directory notify OfDr - Ofs resource debugging OfEc - Ofs for C++ Exception Contexts OfEn - Ofs Enumerator (Btree, view, etc.) OfEr - Ofs ERESOURCE OfFc - Ofs FCBs OfFl - Ofs File Locks OfGc - Ofs Catalog FCB OfGd - Ofs Catalog FCB dynamic OfIc - Ofs Irp Context OfKe - Ofs KEvent OfLb - Ofs large buffers OfLc - Ofs Lcb OfMb - Ofs Mdl Buffer OfMc - Ofs CompressionContext OfMh - Ofs Leak Check+BackTrace MemHeader OfMs - Ofs Mutex Semaphore OfNx - Ofs newx default OfOb - Ofs object id code OfPc - Ofs PrefixCache OfPs - Ofs PropSetStream OfPt - Ofs full paths of file names OfRp - Ofs CreateParms OfSc - Ofs SCBs OfSd - Ofs Security descriptor OfSe - Ofs Serialize/Deserialize string OfSi - Ofs SumCatIrpc OfSs - Ofs for CSimpleSem objects OfTb - Ofs TreeBuild OfTm - Ofs Temporary allocations OfVb - Ofs ViewBuild OfVc - Ofs VolumeFcb OfVd - Ofs Volume dynamic structures OfVl - Ofs ViewLog OfWm - Ofs WorkidMap OHCI - Open Host Controller Interface for USB Oq?? - Ofs Query OqAn - Ofs Query AsyncNotify OqCa - Ofs Query CICat OqCc - Ofs Query CCI OqCi - Ofs Query ContentIndex OqCl - Ofs Query Column OqCp - Ofs Query CheckPoint OqCt - Ofs Query CoTask OqKe - Ofs Query KEvent OqMb - Ofs Query MemoryBuffer OqMs - Ofs Query Master OqPm - Ofs Query PidMap OqSd - Ofs Query Shadow OqTb - Ofs Query TempBuffer OqTh - Ofs Query Thread OqTr - Ofs Query TableRows OqVe - Ofs Query ViewEnum OqWl - Ofs Query Wordlist OqBt - Ofs Query BigTable OqBa - Ofs Query Bigtable Allocator OqBq - Ofs Query Bigtable Query Info OqFl - Ofs Query FreshList OqDr - Ofs Query Double Buffering Or?? - Ofs Recovery Object Manager OrBf - Ofs Recom Buffer OrLs - Ofs Recom LogState OrLt - Ofs Recom LogStream OrRt - Ofs Recom RestartTable OrWa - Ofs Recom WriteArray OrWm - Ofs Recom WriteMap Ox?? - Ofs Ole Transaction Manager OxBm - Ofs XactOle BucketManager OxBp - Ofs XactOle BucketMap OxCi - Ofs XactOle CROPSTATE struct. OxCp - Ofs XactOle ECREATEPARAMS struct. OxEm - Ofs XactOle CEmbeddingOfs OxEt - Ofs XactOle CEmbeddingOfs table. OxLg - Ofs XactOle Log OxLt - Ofs XactOle List table OxOb - Ofs XactOle CObjectOfs OxVl - Ofs XactOle Volume ParC - Parallel class driver ParL - Parallel link driver ParP - Parallel port driver PciB - PnP pci bus enumerator - pci.sys Pool - Pool tables, etc. Port - Port objects Proc - Process objects Ps - general ps allocations Pstb - Process tables via EX handle.c ReEv - Resource Event ReSe - Resource Semaphore ReTa - Resource Extended Table S3 - S3 video driver SBad - bad block simulator - simbad.c ScsC - SCSI CdRom ScsD - SCSI Disk ScsH - SCSI from class.h ScsI - SCSI port internal ScsL - SCSI class.c driver allocations ScsP - SCSI port.c Se - General security allocations Sect - Section objects Sema - Semaphore objects SePr - Security Privilege Set SeAi - Security Audit Work Item SeAp - Security Audit Parameter Record SeAc - Security ACL SeSi - Security SID SeSc - Captured Security Descriptor SeSd - Security Descriptor SeLu - Security LUID and Attributes array SeTa - Security Temporary Array SeSa - Security SID and Attributes SeLw - Security LSA Work Item SeLs - Security Logon Session SeUs - Security Captured Unicode string SeOn - Security Captured Object Name information SeTn - Security Captured Type Name information SeTd - Security Token dynamic part SimB - Simbad (bad sector simulation driver) allocations SPX - Nwlnkspx transport SQOS - Security quality of service in IO Stac - Stack Trace Database - i386 checked and built with NTNOFPO=1 only Strg - Dynamic Translated strings Strm - Streams and streams transports allocations Symb - Symbolic link objects Symt - Symbolic link target strings TCP? - TCP/IP network protocol TCPi - IP protocol TCPt - TCP protocol TCPu - UDP protocol Thre - Thread objects Time - Timer objects Toke - Token objects TunL - Tunnel cache lookaside-allocated elements TunP - Tunnel cache oddsized pool-allocated elements TunK - Tunnel cache temporary key value Type - Type objects Udp - Udp protocol (TCP/IP driver) Ufsc - User FULLSCREEN Usac - User accelerator table Usai - User ATTACHINFO Usal - User ALTTAB Usat - User ATOM (obsolete) Uscb - User CLIPBOARD Uscc - User CALLBACK Uscl - User CLASS Uscp - User CHECKPT Uscu - User CURSOR Usd1 - User DDE1 Usd2 - User DDE2 Usd3 - User DDE3 Usd4 - User DDE4 Usd5 - User DDE5 Usd6 - User DDE6 Usd7 - User DDE7 Usdc - User DCE Usdd - User DDE Usds - User DRAGDROP Ushk - User HOTKEY Ushl - User HUNGLIST Usho - User HOOK Uskb - User KEYBOARD LAYOUT Usla - User LOOKASIDE Uslr - User LOCKRECORD Usms - User MOVESIZEDATA Usno - User NONE Usob - User OBJECT Uspi - User PROCESSINFO Uspm - User POPUPMENU Usq - User Q message queue Usqm - User QMSG Usrt - User RTL Ussb - User SPB - save popup bits struct Usse - User SECURITY object Ussh - User SHELL Ussm - User SMS - send message structure Usst - User SCROLLTRACK Ussw - User SWP - set window pos struct Ussy - User SYSTEM Usti - User THREADINFO Ustm - User TIMER Ustx - User TEXT Usvi - User VISRGN Uswd - User WINDOW Uswl - User WINDOWLIST Uswo - User WOW object ysd8 - User DDE8 ysd9 - User DDE9 ysda - User DDEa ysdb - User DDEb ysdc - User DDEc ysdd - User DDEd Vad - Mm virtual address descriptors (from calls to mapview) VadS - Mm virtual address descriptors short (from call NtAllocateVm) Vpb - Io, vpb's Wait - NtWaitForMultipleObjects