/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: NtfsExp.h Abstract: This module defines the exports from NtOfs.SYS for use exclusively by Query, CI, Views, and Transactions. ********************************* *No other clients are supported.* ********************************* Author: Mark Zbikowski [MarkZ] 7-Dec-1995 Jeff Havens [JHavens] Brian Andrew [BrianAn] Gary Kimura [GaryKi] Tom Miller [TomM] Revision History: --*/ #define STATUS_NO_MATCH (0xC0001996) #define STATUS_NO_MORE_MATCHES (0xC0001997) // // Big picture view of the interaction betweek Views/Query and NtOfs: // // NtOfs exports a number of interfaces that give abstract access to // on-disk structures and attempt to hide, as much as possible, the // implementation details. // // V/Q/X are implemented as DLL's that link to NtOfs.Sys. NtOfs can load // and function in absence of these DLL's. // // All communication between user-mode code and V/Q/X occurs via the // Nt Io API which is routed through NtOfs. Client code will open either // an NtOfs Volume, Directory, or File and will issue NtIo calls to the // resultant handle. // // NtOfs will create an IrpContext, decode the file object appropriately, // and call out to entry points in V/Q/X that are registered at load-time. // // V/Q/X will perform whatever actions are necessary utilizing NtOfs exports // and then return from the original call from NtOfs an NTSTATUS code. NtOfs // will perform the appropriate CompleteIrp calls, posting for STATUS_PENDING, // etc. // // No exceptions can be raised across the NtOfs export or NtOfs import // interfaces. All user-buffer access and validation will occur in the // code that uses it. Since user buffers may disappear at any time, any // client of these buffers must wrap access to the buffers in an exception // clause. // // V/Q/X may perform activities in threads separate from the original // requestor. For these cases, NtOfs will provide a means where calls separate // from a user-mode request can be accepted. Typically, this means "cloning" // an IrpContext. // // // Opaque handle definitions. // // // ISSUE: Most NtOfs internal routines rely on having an IrpContext passed in // along with FCB and SCB pointers. Rather than exposing FCB and IrpContext // as separate contexts, should we wrap these up into a separate structure and // pass it along? // typedef struct _FCB *OBJECT_HANDLE; typedef struct _SCB *ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE; typedef struct _SCB *INDEX_HANDLE; typedef struct _READ_CONTEXT *PREAD_CONTEXT; typedef ULONG SECURITY_ID; typedef struct _CI_CALL_BACK CI_CALL_BACK, *PCI_CALL_BACK; typedef struct _VIEW_CALL_BACK VIEW_CALL_BACK, *PVIEW_CALL_BACK; typedef struct _IRP_CONTEXT *PIRP_CONTEXT; // // Map Handle. This structure defines a byte range of the file which is mapped // or pinned, and stores the Bcb returned from the Cache Manager. // typedef struct _MAP_HANDLE { // // Range being mapped or pinned // LONGLONG FileOffset; ULONG Length; // // Virtual address corresponding to FileOffset // PVOID Buffer; // // Bcb pointer returned from Cache Manager // PVOID Bcb; } MAP_HANDLE, *PMAP_HANDLE; // // Quick Index Hint. This is stream offset information returned by // NtOfsFindRecord, and taken as input to NtOfsUpdateRecord, to allow // quick updates to index records in the event that they have not // moved. This structure must always have the same size and alignment // as QUICK_INDEX in ntfsstru.h. // typedef struct _QUICK_INDEX_HINT { LONGLONG HintData[3]; } QUICK_INDEX_HINT, *PQUICK_INDEX_HINT; // // Index structures // typedef struct { ULONG KeyLength; PVOID Key; } INDEX_KEY, *PINDEX_KEY; typedef struct { ULONG DataLength; PVOID Data; } INDEX_DATA, *PINDEX_DATA; typedef struct { INDEX_KEY KeyPart; INDEX_DATA DataPart; } INDEX_ROW, *PINDEX_ROW; // // COLLATION_FUNCTION returns LessThan if Key1 precedes Key2 // EqualTo if Key1 is identical to Key2 // GreaterThan if Key1 follows Key2 // typedef FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT (*PCOLLATION_FUNCTION) ( IN PINDEX_KEY Key1, IN PINDEX_KEY Key2, IN PVOID CollationData ); typedef struct _UPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY { // // Pointer to a table of upcased unicode characters indexed by character to // be upcased. // PWCH UpcaseTable; // // Size of UpcaseTable in unicode characters // ULONG UpcaseTableSize; // // Optional addtional pointer. // INDEX_KEY Key; } UPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY, *PUPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY; // // Standard collation functions for simple indices // FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT NtOfsCollateUlong ( IN PINDEX_KEY Key1, IN PINDEX_KEY Key2, IN PVOID CollationData // Don't care, may be NULL ); FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT NtOfsCollateSid ( IN PINDEX_KEY Key1, IN PINDEX_KEY Key2, IN PVOID CollationData // Don't care, may be NULL ); FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT NtOfsCollateUnicode ( IN PINDEX_KEY Key1, IN PINDEX_KEY Key2, IN PVOID CollationData // PUPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY (with no key) ); // // Standard match functions for simple indices // NTSTATUS NtOfsMatchAll ( IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PVOID MatchData // Don't care, may be NULL ); NTSTATUS NtOfsMatchUlongExact ( IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PVOID MatchData // PINDEX_KEY describing Ulong ); NTSTATUS NtOfsMatchUnicodeExpression ( IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PVOID MatchData // PUPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY with Uni expression (must have wildcards) ); NTSTATUS NtOfsMatchUnicodeString ( IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PVOID MatchData // PUPCASE_TABLE_AND_KEY with Uni string (no wildcards) ); // // MATCH_FUNCTION returns // STATUS_SUCCESS if the IndexRow matches // STATUS_NO_MATCH if the IndexRow does not match, but the enumeration should // continue // STATUS_NO_MORE_MATCHES if the IndexRow does not match, and the enumeration // should terminate // typedef NTSTATUS (*PMATCH_FUNCTION) (IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PVOID MatchData); typedef struct STAT_INFORMATION_THAT_AINT_THERE_NOW { OBJECTID ObjectId; GUID ClassId; USN ReplicationUsn; USN LastChangeUsn; ULONGLONG SecurityChangeTime; FILE_REFERENCE FileReference; } STAT_INFORMATION, *PSTAT_INFORMATION; // // CREATE_OPTIONS - common flags governing creation/opening of objects // typedef enum _CREATE_OPTIONS { CREATE_NEW = 0, CREATE_OR_OPEN = 1, OPEN_EXISTING = 2 } CREATE_OPTIONS; // // EXCLUSION - Form of exclusion desired when opening an object // typedef enum _EXCLUSION { SHARED = 0, EXCLUSIVE } EXCLUSION; // // Additional Dos Attribute indicating Content Index status of an object. // If this is set on a document, it suppresses indexing. It is inherited // from a parent directory at create time. This is stored in the // DUPLICATED_INFORMATION structure. // #define SUPPRESS_CONTENT_INDEX (0x20000000) // // Define the size of the index buffer/bucket for view indexes, in bytes. // #define NTOFS_VIEW_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE (0x1000) // // Exported constants. // // // NtOfsContentIndexSystemFile is the repository for all CI related data on the // disk. extern FILE_REFERENCE NtOfsContentIndexSystemFile; #if defined(_NTFSPROC_) #define NTFSAPI #else #define NTFSAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT #endif // // This routine checkpoints the current transaction by commiting it // to the log and deallocating the transaction Id. The current request // can keep running, but changes to date are committed and will not be // backed out. // #define NtOfsCheckpointCurrentTransaction(IC) {NtfsCheckpointCurrentTransaction(IC)} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Index API - These encapsulate the NtOfs BTree mechanisms. // // // NtOfsCreateIndex creates or opens a named index attribute in an object. The // ObjectHandle has been acquired exclusive and the returned handle is not // acquired. The collation data is interpreted only by the CollationFunction. // // IndexHandles retain a "seek" position where enumerations (NtOfsReadRecords) // may continue. This seek position may be updated by the routines as described // below. // // If DeleteCollationData is 1, ExFreePool will be called on CollationData, either // immediately if the index already exists, or when the index is deleted some time // after the final close. If NtOfsCreateIndex returns an error, then CollationData // must be deleted by the caller. If specified as 0, then ColloationData will not // be deleted. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCreateIndex ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN UNICODE_STRING Name, IN CREATE_OPTIONS CreateOptions, IN ULONG DeleteCollationData, IN PCOLLATION_FUNCTION CollationFunction, IN PVOID CollationData OPTIONAL, OUT INDEX_HANDLE *IndexHandle ); // // NtOfsFindRecord finds a single record in an index stream for read-only access // or in preparation for calling NtOfsUpdateRecord. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsFindRecord ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN PINDEX_KEY IndexKey, OUT PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle, IN OUT PQUICK_INDEX_HINT QuickIndexHint OPTIONAL ); // // NtOfsFindRecord finds a single record in an index stream for read-only access // or in preparation for calling NtOfsUpdateRecord. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsFindLastRecord ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN PINDEX_KEY MaxIndexKey, OUT PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle ); // // NtOfsAddRecords performs bulk, logged inserts into an index. The index will // be acquired exclusive for this call. Each record added must have a unique // (with regards to the collation function) key. No maps are currently // outstanding on this index. If SequentialInsertMode is nonzero, this is a hint // to the index package to keep all BTree buffers as full as possible, by splitting // as close to the end of the buffer as possible. If specified as zero, random // inserts are assumed, and buffers are always split in the middle for better balance. // // This call may update the IndexHandle seek position // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsAddRecords ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN ULONG Count, IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN ULONG SequentialInsertMode ); // // NtOfsDeleteRecords performs bulk, logged deletion from an index. The index // will be acquired exclusive for this call. No maps are currently outstanding // on this index. // // This call may update the IndexHandle seek position // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsDeleteRecords ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN ULONG Count, IN PINDEX_KEY IndexKey ); // // NtOfsReadRecords applies a match function to a block of contiguous records in // the BTree starting either at a given IndexKey or beginning where it last left // off. // // IndexKey is an optional point at which to begin the enumeration. The // seek position of IndexHandle is set to return the next logical record // on the next NtOfsReadRecords call. // // NtOfsReadRecords will seek to the appropriate point in the BTree (as defined // by the IndexKey or saved position and the CollateFunction) and begin calling // MatchFunction for each record. It continues doing this while MatchFunction // returns STATUS_SUCCESS. If MatchFunction returns STATUS_NO_MORE_MATCHES, // NtOfsReadRecords will cache this result and not call MatchFunction again until // called with a non-NULL IndexKey. // // NtOfsReadRecords returns the last status code returned by MatchFunction. // // The IndexHandle does not have to be acquired as it is acquired shared for the // duration of the call. NtOfsReadRecords may // return with STATUS_SUCCESS without filling the output buffer (say, every 10 // index pages) to reduce lock contention. // // NtOfsReadRecords will read up to Count rows, comprising up to BufferLength // bytes in total and will fill in the Rows[] array for each row returned. // // Note that this call is self-synchronized, such that successive calls to // the routine are guaranteed to make progress through the index and to return // items in Collation order, in spite of Add and Delete record calls being // interspersed with Read records calls. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsReadRecords ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN OUT PREAD_CONTEXT *ReadContext, IN OPTIONAL PINDEX_KEY IndexKey, IN PMATCH_FUNCTION MatchFunction, IN PVOID MatchData, IN OUT ULONG *Count, OUT PINDEX_ROW Rows, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PVOID Buffer ); NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsFreeReadContext ( IN PREAD_CONTEXT ReadContext ); // // NtOfsUpdateRecord updates a single record in place. It is guaranteed that the // length of the data/key portion of the record does not change. The index will // be acquired exclusive for this call. // // This call may update the IndexHandle seek position // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsUpdateRecord ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle, IN ULONG Count, IN PINDEX_ROW IndexRow, IN OUT PQUICK_INDEX_HINT QuickIndexHint OPTIONAL, IN OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle OPTIONAL ); // // NtOfsCloseIndex closes an index handle. The index must not be acquired for this // call. No outstanding maps are allowed. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsCloseIndex ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle ); // // NtOfsDeleteIndex removes an index attribute from an object. The object will be // acquired exclusive for this call. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsDeleteIndex ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN INDEX_HANDLE IndexHandle ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Map API - These encapsulate the NtOfs/Cache manager interactions // // // NtOfsInitializeMapHandle initializes a map handle so it can be safely // released at any time. // // NTFSAPI // VOID // NtOfsInitializeMapHandle ( // IN PMAP_HANDLE Map // ); // #define NtOfsInitializeMapHandle( M ) { (M)->Bcb = NULL; } // // NtOfsMapAttribute maps a portion of the specified attribute and returns a pointer // to the memory. The memory mapped may not span a mapping window. Multiple maps // are allowed through different handles in different threads. The data is not // preread nor is the memory pinned. // // NTFSAPI // NtOfsMapAttribute ( // IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, // IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, // IN LONGLONG Offset, // IN ULONG Length, // OUT PVOID *Buffer, // OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle // ); #define NtOfsMapAttribute(I,S,O,L,B,M) ( \ CcMapData((S)->FileObject, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&(O), (L), TRUE, &(M)->Bcb, (B)), \ (M)->FileOffset = (O), \ (M)->Length = (L), \ (M)->Buffer = *(PVOID *)(B) \ ) // // NtOfsPreparePinWrite maps and pins a portion of the specified attribute and // returns a pointer to the memory. This is equivalent to doing a NtOfsMapAttribute // followed by NtOfsPinRead and NtOfsDirty but is more efficient. // // NTFSAPI // NtOfsPreparePinWrite ( // IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, // IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, // IN LONGLONG Offset, // IN ULONG Length, // OUT PVOID *Buffer, // OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle // ); #define NtOfsPreparePinWrite(I,S,O,L,B,M) { \ if (((O) + (L)) > (S)->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart) { \ ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_END_OF_FILE); \ } \ CcPreparePinWrite((S)->FileObject, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&(O), (L), FALSE, TRUE, &(M)->Bcb, (B)); \ (M)->FileOffset = (O); \ (M)->Length = (L); \ (M)->Buffer = (B); \ } // // NtOfsPinRead pins a section of a map and read in all pages from the mapped // attribute. Offset and Length must describe a byte range which is equal to // or included by the original mapped range. // // NTFSAPI // NtOfsPinRead( // IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, // IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, // IN LONGLONG Offset, // IN ULONG Length, // OUT PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle // ); #define NtOfsPinRead(I,S,O,L,M) { \ ASSERT((M)->Bcb != NULL); \ ASSERT(((O) >= (M)->FileOffset) && (((O) + (L)) <= ((M)->FileOffset + (M)->Length))); \ CcPinMappedData((S)->FileObject, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&(O), (L), TRUE, &(M)->Bcb); \ (M)->FileOffset = (O); \ (M)->Length = (L); \ } // // NtOfsDirty marks a map as being dirty (eligible for lazy writer access) and // marks the pages with an optional LSN for coordination with LFS. This call // is invalid unless the map has been pinned. // // NTFSAPI // NtOfsDirty ( // IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, // IN PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle, // PLSN Lsn OPTIONAL // ); #define NtOfsDirty(I,M,L) {CcSetDirtyPinnedData((M)->Bcb,(L));} // // NtOfsReleaseMap unmaps/unpins a mapped portion of an attribute. // // NTFSAPI // NtOfsReleaseMap ( // IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, // IN PMAP_HANDLE MapHandle // ); #define NtOfsReleaseMap(IC,M) \ NtfsUnpinBcb(&(M)->Bcb) // // NtOfsPutData writes data into an attribute in a recoverable fashion. The // caller must have opened the attribute with LogNonresidentToo and the // data must be mapped. NtOfsPutData will write the data atomically and update // the mapped image, subject to the normal lazy commit of the transaction. // (be careful with use of volatile keyword). // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsPutData ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, IN LONGLONG Offset, IN ULONG Length, IN PVOID Data OPTIONAL ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Attribute API - These encapsulate access to attributes on files/directories // and summary catalogs // // // NtOfsCreateAttribute will create or open a data attribute and return a handle // that will allow mapping operations. // // For attributes that wish to have logging behaviour, LogNonresidentToo must be // set to true. See the discussion on NtOfsPutData (in the mapping section // above). // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCreateAttribute ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN UNICODE_STRING Name, IN CREATE_OPTIONS CreateOptions, IN ULONG LogNonresidentToo, OUT ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE *AttributeHandle ); // // NtOfsCloseAttribute releases the attribute. The attribute is not acquired. No // outstanding maps are active. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsCloseAttribute ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE AttributeHandle ); // // NtOfsDeleteAttribute releases all storage associated with the attribute. The // object will be acquired exclusive. The attribute will be acquired exclusive. // No outstanding maps are active. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsDeleteAttribute ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE AttributeHandle ); // // NtOfsQueryLength returns the current length of user data within the attribute. // The attribute may be mapped. The attribute may be acquired. // NTFSAPI LONGLONG NtOfsQueryLength ( IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE AttributeHandle ); // // NtOfsSetLength sets the current EOF on the given attribute. The attribute // may not be mapped to the view containing Length, or any subsequent view. // The attribute will be acquired exclusive. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsSetLength ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, IN LONGLONG Length ); // // NtOfsDecommit releases storage associated with a range of the attribute. It does // not change the EOF marker nor does it change the logical position of data within // the attribute. The range of the attribute being released may be mapped or // pinned. // // Reads from decommitted ranges should return zero (although Query will never read // from these ranges). // // Writes to decommitted pages should fail or be nooped (although Query will never // write to these ranges). // // This call will purge, so none of the views overlapping the specified range may // be mapped. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsDecommit ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, IN LONGLONG Offset, IN LONGLONG Length ); // // NtOfsFlushAttribute flushes all cached data to the disk and returns upon // completion. If the attribute is LogNonresidentToo, then only the log file // is flushed. Optionally, the range may be purged as well. If the attribute // is purged, then there can be no mapped views. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsFlushAttribute ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, IN ULONG Purge ); // // NtOfsQueryAttributeSecurityId returns the security ID for the attribute if // present. // NTFSAPI VOID NtOfsQueryAttributeSecurityId ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, OUT SECURITY_ID *SecurityId ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Concurrency control API // // As a rule, these routines are not required. All NtOfs routines are // self-synchronized as atomic actions, or as parts of a top-level action when // called within a top-level action routine. // // ISSUE: In particular, supporting the exclusive access call is an implementation // problem for Ntfs. Wrapping top-level actions is the best way to preserve // exclusive access across calls. // VOID NtOfsAcquireObjectShared ( HANDLE ObjectHandle ); // VOID // NtOfsAcquireObjectExclusive ( // HANDLE ObjectHandle // ); VOID NtOfsReleaseObject ( HANDLE ObjectHandle ); // Debugging routines BOOLEAN NtOfsIsObjectAcquiredExclusive ( HANDLE ObjectHandle ); BOOLEAN NtOfsIsObjectAcquiredShared ( HANDLE ObjectHandle ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File/Directory/Etc API // // // NtOfsOpenByFileReference opens an object given a file reference. The file is // assumed to exist; this call cannot be used to create a file. The returned // handle is acquired according to the input exclusion. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsOpenByFileReference ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE FileReference, IN EXCLUSION Exclusion, OUT OBJECT_HANDLE *ObjectHandle ); // // NtOfsCreateRelativeObject opens or creates an object relative to a specified // parent object. The parent will be acquired exclusive. The child is opened // acquired according to the input exclusion. // // ISSUE: When creating an object, is the transaction committed before this // call returns? // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCreateRelativeObject ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ParentObjectHandle, IN UNICODE_STRING Name, IN CREATE_OPTIONS CreateOptions, IN EXCLUSION Exclusion, OUT OBJECT_HANDLE *ObjectHandle ); // // NtOfsCloseObject releases the object handle. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCloseObject ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle ); // // NtOfsDeleteObject deletes the object. No user-mode handle is attached to // the object. No attributes are currently open. The object is acquired // exclusive. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsDeleteObject ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle ); // // NtOfsDeleteAllAttributes deletes all attributes of the object. No attribute // is open. The object is acquired exclusive. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsDeleteAllAttributes ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle ); // // NtOfsQueryPathFromRoot returns *A* path from the root to a node. In the // presence of hard links, several paths may exist, however, only one needs // to be returned. Memory for the file name is provided by the caller. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryPathFromRoot ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE FileReference, OUT UNICODE_STRING *PathName ); // // NtOfsQueryFileName returns the final component in the path name into a // caller-supplied buffer. In the presence of hard links, several names // may exist, however, only one needs to be returned. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryFileName ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE FileReference, OUT UNICODE_STRING *FileName ); // // NtOfsQueryFileReferenceFromName returns the file reference named by the path // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryFileReferenceFromName ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN UNICODE_STRING Name, OUT FILE_REFERENCE *FileReference ); // // This call must be very fast; it is a very common call made by CI/Query. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryFileReferenceFromHandle ( IN OBJECT_HANDLE Object, OUT FILE_REFERENCE *FileReference ); // // NtOfsQueryObjectSecurityId returns the security Id associated with an object. // The object is acquired shared or exclusive. This call must be very fast // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryObjectSecurityId ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, OUT SECURITY_ID *SecurityId ); // // NtOfsQueryNextUsn retrieves the next USN to be assigned on a volume. // This is used during CI restart as the basis for a USN range query to // rebuild the change list between the last commit of the content index // and the last checkpoint of the volume. // USN NtOfsQueryNextUsn ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryDuplicatedInformationFromHandle ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, OUT DUPLICATED_INFORMATION *Information ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryDuplicatedInformationFromFileReference ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE FileReference, OUT DUPLICATED_INFORMATION *Information ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryStatInformationFromHandle ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ObjectHandle, OUT STAT_INFORMATION *Information ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryStatInformationFromFileReference ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE FileReference, OUT STAT_INFORMATION *Information ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryObjectDosAttributes ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE Object, OUT PULONG OldAttributes ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsSetObjectDosAttributes ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE Object, IN ULONG NewAttributes ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Scope API // // // NtOfsIsAncestorOf must quickly tell if one file is an ancestor of the given // child. In the presence of hard links, we may pick a "preferred" path (i.e. // we don't have to travel to all ancestors). This call must be reasonably fast // since this is a very frequent call from Query. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsIsAncestorOf ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN FILE_REFERENCE Ancestor, IN FILE_REFERENCE Child ); // // NtOfsGetParentFileReferenceFromHandle is used to retrieve the FileReference // of the parent of the named object. With hard links the "first" parent may // be chosen. This call needs to be reasonably efficient. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsGetParentFileReferenceFromHandle ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE ChildObject, OUT FILE_REFERENCE *ParentFileReference ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Security API // // NtOfs maintains a "per-IrpContext" cache that speeds up security validation. // Clients clear the cache (at the beginning of a query, say) and then do // successive probes which may populate the cache. // // // NtOfsClearSecurityCache clears the cache. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsClearSecurityCache ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); // // NtOfsIsAccessGranted uses the Se routines to validate access and caches the // result for the specified SecurityId and DesiredAccess. The cache is first // probed to see if the access can be granted immediately. If the SecurityId is // not found, the corresponding ACL is retrieved and tested with the supplied // access state and DesiredAccess. The result of this test is cached and // returned. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsIsAccessGranted ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN SECURITY_ID SecurityId, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ACCESS_STATE *SecurityAccessState ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Worker thread stuff. Worker threads are needed for building new indexes // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Miscellaneous information query/set // // // Content Index may need to mark the volume as dirty to allow garbage collection // of orphan objects by CHKDSK. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsMarkVolumeCorrupt ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN ULONG NewState, IN ULONG StateMask, OUT ULONG *OldState ); // // NtOfsQueryVolumeStatistics returns the current capacity and free space on a // volume. Ci uses this for heuristics to decide on when to trigger master merge, // when to suppress master merge, etc. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryVolumeStatistics ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT LONGLONG *TotalClusters, OUT LONGLONG *FreeClusters ); // // Query needs to retain some state in the NtOfs Ccb. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryHandleState ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT VOID *OldData ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsSetHandleState ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN VOID *Data ); // // Generic unwrapping routines that get access to SCB/IRPC and FCB/IRPC // pairs. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryAttributeHandle ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE *AttributeHandle ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsQueryObjectHandle ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT OBJECT_HANDLE *ObjectHandle ); // // Ci/Views need to create a context in which they can perform I/O in separate. // threads. This means creating an IRP/IRP_CONTEXT. Each IrpContext corresponds // to one I/O activity at a time. Multiple IrpContexts may be active in a thread // at a single time. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCloneIrpContext ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT PIRP_CONTEXT *NewIrpContext ); // // NtOfsCompleteRequest completes an IrpContext that has been previously cloned. // All other FsCtl Irps are completed by Ntfs. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCompleteRequest ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, NTSTATUS Status ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Iterators. While each iterator is created through a separate API, each one // must support two operations: // Next - this fills a buffer with as many records as possible // Close - this releases the iterator. // typedef struct _BASE_FILE_SEGMENT_ITERATOR BASE_FILE_SEGMENT_ITERATOR; typedef struct _USN_ITERATOR USN_ITERATOR; // // The types of iterators are: // // Scope iterate over a directory (optionally RECURSIVE) // (implemented in Query) // View iterate over the rows in a view with a partial key match // (implemented in View) // BaseFileSegment iterate over all base file record segments // (implemented in NtOfs) // SummaryCatalog iterate over all rows in a summary catalog // Usn iterate over all objects with Usn's in a specific range // (implmented in NtOfs) // // Each iteration is passed a buffer which is filled (as much as possible) with // a packed array of: // FILE_REFERENCE // DUPLICATED_INFORMATION // STAT_INFORMATION // for each enumerated object. The output length is the length in bytes that // was filled in with the enumeration request. NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCreateBaseFileSegmentIterator ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT BASE_FILE_SEGMENT_ITERATOR *Iterator ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsNextBaseFileSegmentIteration ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN BASE_FILE_SEGMENT_ITERATOR *Iterator, IN OUT ULONG *BufferLength, IN OUT PVOID Buffer ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCloseBaseFileSegmentIterator ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN BASE_FILE_SEGMENT_ITERATOR *Iterator ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCreateUsnIterator ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN USN BeginningUsn, IN USN EndingUsn, OUT USN_ITERATOR *Iterator ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsNextUsnIteration ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN USN_ITERATOR *Iterator, IN OUT ULONG *BufferLength, IN OUT PVOID Buffer ); NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsCloseUsnIterator ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN USN_ITERATOR *Iterator ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Infrastructure support. // // V/C/X register callbacks with NtOfs when they are loaded. Until they are loaded // NtOfs will call default routines (that do nothing). // typedef enum _NTFS_ADDON_TYPES { ContentIndex = 1, Views } NTFS_ADDON_TYPES; // // NtOfsRegisterCallBacks supplies a call table to NtOfs. Each table has an // interface version number. If the interface version does not exactly match // what NtOfs expects, the call will fail. // NTFSAPI NTSTATUS NtOfsRegisterCallBacks ( NTFS_ADDON_TYPES NtfsAddonType, PVOID CallBackTable ); // // State changes that Query/Content index are interested in // #define FILE_ADDITION_CHANGE (0x00000001) #define FILE_DELETION_CHANGE (0x00000002) #define STAT_INFORMATION_CHANGE (0x00000004) #define DUP_INFORMATION_CHANGE (0x00000008) #define PROPERTY_SET_ADDITION_CHANGE (0x00000010) #define PROPERTY_SET_DELETION_CHANGE (0x00000020) #define PROPERTY_MODIFICATION_CHANGE (0x00000040) // // Opaque handle to per-volume CI data. This will be used in all callbacks to // CI from NtOfs. // typedef struct CONTENT_INDEX_VOLUME *CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE; // // It is important to note that there could be calls into NtOfs as a result of any // calls into CI/QUERY. The calls into NtOfs could generate writes and flushes. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CI must be notified whenever a file or stream is closed. // Not on changes to just attribute flag // Not on changes to LastAccessTime // Not hidden stream changes (like index changes) // Updated USN available on such closes // // Calls to CiObjectChanged are placed in the same context as calls to // FsRtlNotifyFullReportChange // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_OBJECT_CHANGED) ( IN CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE ContentIndex, IN OBJECT_HANDLE Object, IN USN Usn, IN ULONG Changes ); // // It is important to guarantee order of Notifications WRT to the same Object. // For example, if OBJECTID 100 is deleted and before the cleanup is complete, if // it gets reused for another object, the deletion MUST be notified before the // creation. // // Today we have a 2-phase mechanism to guarantee that. In phase 1, OFS notifies // CI the objectId and action. A slot is reserved in a FIFO queue in CI for this // notification and a "cookie" returned. During phase 2, another notification is // given with the "cookie" value that the notification is complete. // This guarantees ordering of cleanups. // // Either a similar 2-phase notification mechanism should be used or NtOfs guarantee // ordering of notifications. // // // This should be called if an unrecoverable error occurred and CI could not be // notified about the close. // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_UPDATES_LOST)( IN CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE ContentIndex ); // // CI must be notified when a volume is mounted prior to any user activity but in // such a state to allow object create/open/read/write. // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_MOUNT_VOLUME) ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, OUT CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE *ContentIndex ); // // CI must be notified when a volume is dismounted so that it may terminate all // activity and terminate cleanly. A dirty dismount results in an expensive // rescan for changes upon remount. The volume must tolerate create/open/read/ // write. // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_DISMOUNT_VOLUME) ( IN CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE ContentIndex, IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); // // CI must be notified when the file system is being shutdown. The volume must // tolerate create/open/read/write/ // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_SHUTDOWN) ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); // // NtOfs is responsible for routing a range of FsCtl's to CI. All calls *MAY* // return STATUS_PENDING. NtOfs is responsible for processing these as it is // responsible for performing Irp completion. No probing of the buffers by // NtOfs has been done. // typedef NTSTATUS (*CI_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL) ( IN CONTENT_INDEX_HANDLE ContentIndex, IN ULONG FsControlCode, IN ULONG InBufferLength, IN PVOID InBuffer, OUT ULONG *OutBufferLength, OUT PVOID OutBuffer, IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); // // Each call back table has an interface version number. If the interface // version does not exactly match what NtOfs expects, the register call // will fail. // #define CI_CURRENT_INTERFACE_VERSION 1 struct _CI_CALL_BACK { ULONG CiInterfaceVersion; CI_DISMOUNT_VOLUME CiDismountVolume; CI_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL CiFileSystemControl; CI_MOUNT_VOLUME CiMountVolume; CI_OBJECT_CHANGED CiObjectChanged; CI_SHUTDOWN CiShutdown; CI_UPDATES_LOST CiUpdatesLost; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Views // // // Simplifications to views: // 1. Property updates only occur through property API. No inference from // non-cached I/O is needed. // 2. Creating a view over an existing directory will NOT index what's there // already. There must be a user piece of code that will do that. // 3. We may create an FsCtl that will add an object in the view. // // // NtOfs is responsible for routing a range of FsCtl's to Views. All calls *MAY* // return STATUS_PENDING. NtOfs is responsible for processing these as it is // responsible for performing Irp completion. No probing of the buffers by // NtOfs has been done. // // The property modification FsCtl's will cause synchronous view updates. // typedef NTSTATUS (*VIEW_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL) ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN OBJECT_HANDLE Object, IN ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE Attribute, IN ULONG FsControlCode, IN ULONG InBufferLength, IN PVOID InBuffer, OUT ULONG *OutBufferLength, OUT PVOID OutBuffer ); // // Each call back table has an interface version number. If the interface // version does not exactly match what NtOfs expects, the register call // will fail. // #define VIEW_CURRENT_INTERFACE_VERSION 1 struct _VIEW_CALL_BACK { ULONG ViewInterfaceVersion; VIEW_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL ViewFileSystemControl; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////