/*++ * * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * WUMENU.C * WOW32 16-bit User API support * * History: * Created 07-Mar-1991 by Jeff Parsons (jeffpar) --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop MODNAME(wumenu.c); /*++ BOOL AppendMenu(, , , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; LPSTR ; The %AppendMenu% function appends a new item to the end of a menu. The application can specify the state of the menu item by setting values in the parameter. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies information about the state of the new menu item when it is added to the menu. It consists of one or more values listed in the following Comments section. Specifies either the command ID of the new menu item or, if is set to MF_POPUP, the menu handle of the pop-up menu. Specifies the content of the new menu item. The interpretation of the parameter depends upon the setting of the parameter. MF_STRING Contains a long pointer to a null-terminated string. MF_BITMAP Contains a bitmap handle in its low-order word. MF_OWNERDRAW Contains an application-supplied 32-bit value which the application can use to maintain additional data associated with the menu item. This 32-bit value is available to the application in the %itemData% member of the structure pointed to by the parameter of the WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM messages sent when the menu item is initially displayed or is changed. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. Each of the following groups list flags that are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together: o MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION o MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED o MF_BITMAP, MF_STRING, and MF_OWNERDRAW o MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK o MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED .cmt 16-Sep-1990 [ralphw] Some of the above flags aren't documented as valid values for the wFlags parameter. If they are valid, they should be documented, otherwise, they should be removed from the list. .endcmt The following list describes the flags which may be set in the parameter: MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the item. The low-order word of the lpNewItem parameter contains the handle of the bitmap. MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the item. If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark on bitmap next to the menu item. MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but does not gray it. MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be selected and restores it from its grayed state. MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected and grays it. MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for pop-up menus, separates the new column from the old column with a vertical line. MF_MENUBREAK Places the item on a new line for static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus, places the item in a new column, with no dividing line between the columns. MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the item is an owner-draw item. The window that owns the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when the menu is displayed for the first time to retrieve the height and width of the menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent whenever the owner must update the visual appearance of the menu item. This option is not valid for a top-level menu item. MF_POPUP Specifies that the menu item has a pop-up menu associated with it. The parameter specifies a handle to a pop-up menu to be associated with the item. This is used for adding either a top-level pop-up menu or adding a hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up menu item. MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. Can only be used in a pop-up menu. This line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The and parameters are ignored. MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a character string; the parameter points to the string for the menu item. MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the item (default). If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark off bitmap next to the menu item. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32AppendMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; PSZ psz4; register PAPPENDMENU16 parg16; UINT wIDNewItem; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(APPENDMENU16), parg16); // USER has some internal bitmap identifiers for menu item bitmaps so // it doesn't have to store multiple copies of these bitmaps when they // appear in multiple menus. WinProj does its own MDI and uses these // bitmaps. // #define MENUHBM_CHILDCLOSE (UINT)1 // #define MENUHBM_RESTORE (UINT)2 // #define MENUHBM_MINIMIZE (UINT)3 // #define MENUHBM_MAX (UINT)4 if (parg16->f2 & MF_BITMAP) { if (LOW(parg16->f4) >= 4) psz4 = (PSZ)HBITMAP32(LOW(parg16->f4)); else psz4 = (PSZ)WORD32(parg16->f4); } else if (parg16->f2 & MF_OWNERDRAW) psz4 = (PSZ)DWORD32(parg16->f4); else GETPSZPTR(parg16->f4, psz4); wIDNewItem = (UINT) WORD32(parg16->f3); if (parg16->f2 & MF_POPUP) wIDNewItem = (UINT) HMENU32(parg16->f3); ul = GETBOOL16(AppendMenu(HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), wIDNewItem, psz4)); FREEPSZPTR(psz4); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL ChangeMenu(,,,,) HMENU ; WORD ; LPSTR ; WORD ; WORD ; The %ChangeMenu% function appends, inserts, deletes, or modifies a menu item in the menu given by the parameter. The , , and parameters define which item to change and how to change it. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the item to be changed. If MF_BYPOSITION is specified, gives the position of the menu item to be changed (the first item is at position zero). If MF_BYCOMMAND is specified instead, specifies the menu-item ID. The menu-item ID can specify any popup-menu item (that is, an item in a popup menu associated with an item of ). If neither flag is given, the default is MF_BYCOMMAND. When MF_INSERT is used, identifies the item before which the new item is to be inserted. When MF_APPEND is used, is NULL. Specifies the content of the new menu item. The interpretation of the parameter depends upon the setting of the parameter. The parameter is never a handle to a menu. The MF_POPUP flag applies to the parameter only. MF_BITMAP contains a bitmap handle in its low-order word. MF_STRING contains a long pointer to a null-terminated string. The default is MF_STRING. A NULL value for creates a horizontal break (the same effect as using the MF_SEPARATOR flag). Note that MF_OWNERDRAW is not allowed on ChangeMenu; it conflicts with the ChangeMenu command bit MF_APPEND. Specifies either the command ID of the new menu item or, if is set to MF_POPUP, the menu handle of the pop-up menu. It is never a menu-item position. Specifies information about the state of the new menu item when it is added to the menu. It consists of one or more values listed in the following Comments section. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. Each of the following groups list flags that are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together: o MF_APPEND, MF_CHANGE, MF_DELETE, MF_INSERT and MF_REMOVE o MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION o MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED o MF_BITMAP, MF_POPUP and MF_STRING o MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK o MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED .cmt 16-Sep-1990 [ralphw] Some of the above flags aren't documented as valid values for the wFlags parameter. If they are valid, they should be documented, otherwise, they should be removed from the list. .endcmt The following list describes the flags which may be set in the parameter: MF_APPEND Appends the new item to the end of the menu. MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the item. The low-order word of the lpNewItem parameter contains the handle of the bitmap. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the parameter gives the menu-item ID number (default). MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the parameter gives the position of the menu item to be changed. MF_CHANGE Changes or replaces the specified item. MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the item. If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark on bitmap next to the menu item. MF_DELETE Deletes the item. MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but does not gray it. MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be selected and restores it from its grayed state. MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected and grays it. MF_INSERT Inserts a new item, just before the specified item. MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for pop-up menus, separates the new column from the old column with a vertical line. MF_MENUBREAK Places the item on a new line for static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus, places the item in a new column, with no dividing line between the columns. MF_POPUP Specifies that the menu item has a pop-up menu associated with it. The parameter specifies a handle to a pop-up menu to be associated with the item. This is used for adding either a top-level pop-up menu or adding a hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up menu item. MF_REMOVE Removes the item but does not delete it. MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. Can only be used in a pop-up menu. This line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The and parameters are ignored. MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a character string; the parameter points to the string for the menu item. MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the item (default). If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark off bitmap next to the menu item. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32ChangeMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; PSZ psz3; DWORD dw4; register PCHANGEMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(CHANGEMENU16), parg16); if (parg16->f5 & MF_BITMAP) { if (LOW(parg16->f3) >= 4) psz3 = (PSZ)HBITMAP32(LOW(parg16->f3)); else psz3 = (PSZ)WORD32(parg16->f3); } else GETPSZPTR(parg16->f3, psz3); dw4 = WORD32(parg16->f4); if (WORD32(parg16->f5) & MF_POPUP) dw4 = (DWORD)HMENU32(parg16->f4); ul = GETBOOL16(ChangeMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), psz3, dw4, WORD32(parg16->f5) )); FREEPSZPTR(psz3); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL CheckMenuItem(, , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; The %CheckMenuItem% function places checkmarks next to or removes checkmarks from menu items in the pop-up menu specified by the parameter. The parameter specifies the item to be modified. Identifies the menu. Specifies the menu item to be checked. Specifies how to check the menu item and how to determine the item's position in the menu. The parameter can be a combination of the MF_CHECKED or MF_UNCHECKED with MF_BYPOSITION or MF_BYCOMMAND flags. These flags can be combined by using the bitwise OR operator. They have the following meanings: MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the parameter gives the menu-item ID (MF_BYCOMMAND is the default). MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the parameter gives the position of the menu item (the first item is at position zero). MF_CHECKED Adds checkmark. MF_UNCHECKED Removes checkmark. The return value specifies the previous state of the item. It is either MF_CHECKED or MF_UNCHECKED. The return value is -1 if the menu item does not exist. The parameter may identify a pop-up menu item as well as a menu item. No special steps are required to check a pop-up menu item. Top-level menu items cannot be checked. A pop-up menu item should be checked by position since it does not have a menu-item identifier associated with it. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32CheckMenuItem(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PCHECKMENUITEM16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(CHECKMENUITEM16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(CheckMenuItem( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ HMENU CreateMenu(VOID) The %CreateMenu% function creates a menu. The menu is initially empty, but can be filled with menu items by using the %AppendMenu% or %InsertMenu% function. This function has no parameters. The return value identifies the newly created menu. It is NULL if the menu cannot be created. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32CreateMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pFrame); ul = GETHMENU16(CreateMenu()); RETURN(ul); } /*++ HMENU CreatePopupMenu(VOID) The %CreatePopupMenu% function creates and returns a handle to an empty pop-up menu. An application adds items to the pop-up menu by calling %InsertMenu% and %AppendMenu%. The application can add the pop-up menu to an existing menu or pop-up menu, or it may display and track selections on the pop-up menu by calling %TrackPopupMenu%. This function has no parameters. The return value identifies the newly created menu. It is NULL if the menu cannot be created. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32CreatePopupMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pFrame); ul = GETHMENU16(CreatePopupMenu()); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL DeleteMenu(, , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; The %DeleteMenu% function deletes an item from the menu identified by the parameter; if the menu item has an associated pop-up menu, %DeleteMenu% destroys the handle by the pop-up menu and frees the memory used by the pop-up menu. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the menu item which is to be deleted, as determined by the parameter: MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the menu item; the first item in the menu is at position 0. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the existing menu item. Specifies how the parameter is interpreted. It may be set to either MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32DeleteMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PDELETEMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(DELETEMENU16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(DeleteMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL DestroyMenu() HMENU ; The %DestroyMenu% function destroys the menu specified by the parameter and frees any memory that the menu occupied. Identifies the menu to be destroyed. The return value specifies whether or not the specified menu is destroyed. It is TRUE if the menu is destroyed. Otherwise, it is FALSE. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32DestroyMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PDESTROYMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(DESTROYMENU16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(DestroyMenu(HMENU32(parg16->f1))); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ void DrawMenuBar() HWND ; The %DrawMenuBar% function redraws the menu bar. If a menu bar is changed Windows has created the window, this function should be called to draw the changed menu bar. Identifies the window whose menu needs redrawing. This function does not return a value. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32DrawMenuBar(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { register PDRAWMENUBAR16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(DRAWMENUBAR16), parg16); DrawMenuBar(HWND32(parg16->f1)); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(TRUE); } /*++ DWORD GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions(VOID) The %GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions% function returns the dimensions of the default checkmark bitmap. Windows displays this bitmap next to checked menu items. Before calling the %SetMenuItemBitmaps% function to replace the default checkmark, an application should call the %GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions% function to determine the correct size for the bitmaps. This function has no parameters. The return value specifies the height and width of the default checkmark bitmap. The high-order word contains the height in pixels and the low-order word contains the width. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pFrame); ul = GETLONG16(GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions()); RETURN(ul); } /*++ int GetMenuString(, , , , ) HMENU ; WORD ; LPSTR ; int ; WORD ; The %GetMenuString% function copies the label of the specified menu item into the parameter. Identifies the menu. Specifies the integer identifier of the menu item (from the resource file) or the offset of the menu item in the menu, depending on the value of the parameter. Points to the buffer that is to receive the label. Specifies the maximum length of the label to be copied. If the label is longer than the maximum specified in , the extra characters are truncated. Specifies the nature of the parameter. If contains MF_BYPOSITION, specifies a (zero-based) relative position; if the parameter contains MF_BYCOMMAND, specifies the item ID. The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer. The parameter should be one larger than the number of characters in the label to accommodate the null character that terminates a string. --*/ #define GMS32_LIMIT 2000 ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetMenuString(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; PSZ psz3; register PGETMENUSTRING16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETMENUSTRING16), parg16); ALLOCVDMPTR(parg16->f3, parg16->f4, psz3); // limit nMaxCount to a reasonable amount so it does not fail in client // server. Some wow apps passed in -1. ul = GETINT16(GetMenuString( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), psz3, (WORD32(parg16->f4) > GMS32_LIMIT) ? GMS32_LIMIT : WORD32(parg16->f4), WORD32(parg16->f5) )); FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f3, strlen(psz3)+1, psz3); FREEVDMPTR(psz3); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ HMENU GetSystemMenu(, ) HWND ; BOOL ; The %GetSystemMenu% function allows the application to access the System menu for copying and modification. Identifies the window that will own a copy of the System menu. Specifies the action to be taken. If is FALSE, the %GetSystemMenu% returns a handle to a copy of the System menu currently in use. This copy is initially identical to the System menu, but can be modified. If is TRUE, the %GetSystemMenu% function destroys the possibly modified copy of the System menu (if there is one) that belongs to the specified window and returns a handle to the original, unmodified version of the System menu. The return value identifies the System menu if is TRUE and the System menu has been modified. If is TRUE and the System menu has been modified, the return value is NULL. If is FALSE, the return value identifies a copy of the System menu. Any window that does not use the %GetSystemMenu% function to make its own copy of the System menu receives the standard System menu. The handle returned by the %GetSystemMenu% function can be used with the %AppendMenu%, %InsertMenu% or %ModifyMenu% functions to change the System menu. The System menu initially contains items identified with various ID values such as SC_CLOSE, SC_MOVE, and SC_SIZE. Menu items on the System menu send WM_SYSCOMMAND messages. All predefined System-menu items have ID numbers greater than 0xF000. If an application adds commands to the System menu, it should use ID numbers less than F000. Windows automatically grays items on the standard System menu, depending on the situation. The application can carry out its own checking or graying by responding to the WM_INITMENU message, which is sent before any menu is displayed. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetSystemMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PGETSYSTEMMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETSYSTEMMENU16), parg16); ul = GETHMENU16(GetSystemMenu(HWND32(parg16->f1), BOOL32(parg16->f2))); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL HiliteMenuItem(, , , ) HWND ; HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; The %HiliteMenuItem% function highlights or removes the highlighting from a top-level (menu-bar) menu item. Identifies the window that contains the menu. Identifies the top-level menu that contains the item to be highlighted. Specifies the integer identifier of the menu item or the offset of the menu item in the menu, depending on the value of the parameter. Specifies whether the menu item is highlighted or the highlight is removed. It can be a combination of MF_HILITE or MF_UNHILITE with MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION. The values can be combined using the bitwise OR operator. These values have the following meanings: MF_BYCOMMAND Interprets wIDHiliteItem as the menu-item ID (the default interpretation). MF_BYPOSITION Interprets as an offset. MF_HILITE Highlights the item. If this value is not given, highlighting is removed from the item. MF_UNHILITE Removes highlighting from the item. The return value specifies whether or not the menu item is highlighted the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the item is highlighted was set to the specified highlight state. Otherwise, it is FALSE. The MF_HILITE and MF_UNHILITE flags can be used only with the %HiliteMenuItem% function; they cannot be used with the %ModifyMenu% function. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32HiliteMenuItem(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PHILITEMENUITEM16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(HILITEMENUITEM16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(HiliteMenuItem( HWND32(parg16->f1), HMENU32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3), WORD32(parg16->f4) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL InsertMenu(, , , , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; WORD ; LPSTR ; The %InsertMenu% function inserts a new menu item at the position specified by the parameter, moving other items down the menu. The application can specify the state of the menu item by setting values in the parameter. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the menu item before which the new menu item is to be inserted. The interpretation of the parameter depends upon the setting of the parameter. MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the existing menu item. The first item in the menu is at position zero. If nPosition is -1, the new menu item is appended to the end of the menu. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the existing menu item. Specifies how the parameter is interpreted and information about the state of the new menu item when it is added to the menu. It consists of one or more values listed in the following Comments section. Specifies either the command ID of the new menu item or, if is set to MF_POPUP, the menu handle of the pop-up menu. Specifies the content of the new menu item. If is set to MF_STRING (the default), then is a long pointer to a null-terminated string. If is set to MF_BITMAP instead, then contains a bitmap handle (%HBITMAP%) in its low-order word. If is set to MF_OWNERDRAW, specifies an application-supplied 32-bit value which the application can use to maintain additional data associated with the menu item. This 32-bit value is available to the application in the %itemData% member of the structure pointed to by the parameter of the following messages: WM_MEASUREITEM WM_DRAWITEM These messages are sent when the menu item is initially displayed, or is changed. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. Each of the following groups lists flags that should not be used together: o MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION o MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED o MF_BITMAP, MF_STRING, MF_OWNERDRAW, and MF_SEPARATOR o MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK o MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED The following list describes the flags which may be set in the parameter: MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the item. The low-order word of the lpNewItem parameter contains the handle of the bitmap. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the parameter gives the menu-item control ID number (default). MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the parameter gives the position of the menu item to be changed rather than an ID number. MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the menu item. If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see the %SetMenuItemBitmaps% function), setting this flag displays the checkmark on bitmap next to the menu item. MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but does not gray it. MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be selected and restores it from its grayed state. MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected and grays it. MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for pop-up menus, separates the new column from the old column with a vertical line. MF_MENUBREAK Places the menu item on a new line for static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus, places the menu item in a new column, with no dividing line between the columns. MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the item is an owner-draw item. The window that owns the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when the menu is displayed for the first time to retrieve the height and width of the menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent to the owner whenever the owner must update the visual appearance of the menu item. This option is not valid for a top-level menu item. MF_POPUP Specifies that the menu item has a pop-up menu associated with it. The parameter specifies a handle to a pop-up menu to be associated with the item. Use the MF_OWNERDRAW flag to add either a top-level pop-up menu or a hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up menu item. MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. You can use this flag in a pop-up menu. This line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. Windows ignores the and parameters. MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a character string; the parameter points to the string for the item. MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the item (default). If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the "checkmark off" bitmap next to the menu item. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32InsertMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { BOOL fNeedToFreePsz5 = FALSE; ULONG ul; PSZ psz5; UINT w4; register PINSERTMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(INSERTMENU16), parg16); if (parg16->f3 & MF_BITMAP) { if (LOW(parg16->f5) >= 4) psz5 = (PSZ)HBITMAP32(LOW(parg16->f5)); else psz5 = (PSZ)WORD32(parg16->f5); } else if (parg16->f3 & MF_OWNERDRAW) { psz5 = (PSZ)DWORD32(parg16->f5); } else if (parg16->f3 & MF_SEPARATOR) { // lpszNewItem is ignored when inserting a separator bar. psz5 = NULL; } else { GETPSZPTR(parg16->f5, psz5); fNeedToFreePsz5 = TRUE; } w4 = (parg16->f3 & MF_POPUP) ? (UINT)HMENU32(parg16->f4) : WORD32(parg16->f4); ul = GETBOOL16(InsertMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3), w4, psz5 )); if (fNeedToFreePsz5) { FREEPSZPTR(psz5); } FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ HMENU LoadMenu(, ) HANDLE ; LPSTR ; This function loads the menu resource named by the parameter from the executable file associated with the module specified by the parameter. Identifies an instance of the module whose executable file contains the menu. Points to a character string that names the menu resource. The string must be a null-terminated string. The return value identifies a menu resource if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL. The parameter can contain a value created by the %MAKEINTRESOURCE% macro. If it does, the ID must reside in the low-order word of , and the high-order word must be set to zero. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32LoadMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0; PSZ psz2; register PLOADMENU16 parg16; DWORD cb; LPBYTE lpResData; LPWSTR lpUniName_Menu; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(LOADMENU16), parg16); psz2 = (PSZ)DWORD32(parg16->f2); GETPSZIDPTR(parg16->f2, psz2); if (HIWORD(psz2) != (WORD) NULL) { if (!(MBToWCS(psz2, -1, &lpUniName_Menu, -1, TRUE))) { FREEPSZIDPTR(psz2); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } } else { lpUniName_Menu = (LPWSTR) psz2; } cb = parg16->f4 * sizeof(WCHAR); // see SizeofResource16 if (cb && (lpResData = malloc_w(cb))) { ConvertMenu16(parg16->f5, lpResData, parg16->f3, cb, parg16->f4); ul = GETHMENU16((pfnOut.pfnServerLoadCreateMenu)(HMODINST32(parg16->f1), (LPTSTR) lpUniName_Menu, lpResData, cb, FALSE)); free_w (lpResData); } if (HIWORD(psz2) != (WORD) NULL) { LocalFree (lpUniName_Menu); } FREEPSZIDPTR(psz2); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ HMENU LoadMenuIndirect() LPSTR ; The %LoadMenuIndirect% function loads into memory the menu named by the parameter. The template specified by is a header followed by a collection of one or more %MENUITEMTEMPLATE% structures, each of which may contain one or more menu items and pop-up menus. Points to a menu template (which is a collection of one or more %MENUITEMTEMPLATE% structures). The return value identifies the menu if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32LoadMenuIndirect(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0; DWORD cb = 0; PVOID pMenu32; PLOADMENUINDIRECT16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(LOADMENUINDIRECT16), parg16); /* * we need to convert this randomly created 16-bit resource into a * 32-bit resource so that NT user will be able to use it. */ if ((cb = (DWORD)ConvertMenu16((WORD)0x300, NULL, (VPBYTE)parg16->f1, cb, 0)) != 0) { pMenu32 = malloc_w(cb); if (pMenu32 != NULL) { ConvertMenu16((WORD)0x300, pMenu32, (VPBYTE)parg16->f1, cb, 0); ul = GETHMENU16(LoadMenuIndirect(pMenu32)); free_w(pMenu32); } } FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL ModifyMenu(, , , , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; WORD ; LPSTR ; The %ModifyMenu% function changes an existing menu item at the position specified by the parameter. The application specifies the new state of the menu item by setting values in the parameter. If this function replaces a pop-up menu associated with the menu item, it destroys the old pop-up menu and frees the memory used by the pop-up menu. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the menu item to be changed. The interpretation of the parameter depends upon the setting of the parameter. MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the existing menu item. The first item in the menu is at position zero. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the existing menu item. Specifies how the parameter is interpreted and information about the changes to be made to the menu item. It consists of one or more values listed in the following Comments section. Specifies either the command ID of the modified menu item or, if is set to MF_POPUP, the menu handle of the pop-up menu. Specifies the content of the changed menu item. If is set to MF_STRING (the default), then is a long pointer to a null-terminated string. If is set to MF_BITMAP instead, then contains a bitmap handle (%HBITMAP%) in its low-order word. If is set to MF_OWNERDRAW, specifies an application-supplied 32-bit value which the application can use to maintain additional data associated with the menu item. This 32-bit value is available to the application in the %itemData% field of the structure, pointed to by the parameter of the following messages: WM_MEASUREITEM WM_DRAWITEM These messages are sent when the menu item is initially displayed, or is changed. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. In order to change the attributes of existing menu items, it is much faster to use the %CheckMenuItem% and %EnableMenuItem% functions. Each of the following groups lists flags that should not be used together: o MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION o MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED o MF_BITMAP, MF_STRING, MF_OWNERDRAW, and MF_SEPARATOR o MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK o MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED The following list describes the flags which may be set in the parameter: MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the menu item. The low-order word of the lpNewItem parameter contains the handle of the bitmap. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the parameter gives the menu item control ID number. This is the default if neither MF_BYCOMMAND nor MF_POSITION is set. MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the parameter gives the position of the menu item to be changed rather than an ID number. MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the menu item. If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark on bitmap next to the menu item. MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but does not gray it. MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be selected and restores it from its grayed state. MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected and grays it. MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for pop-up menus, separates the new column from the old column with a vertical line. MF_MENUBREAK Places the menu item on a new line for static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus, this flag places the item in a new column, with no dividing line between the columns. MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the menu item is an owner-draw item. The window that owns the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when the menu is displayed for the first time to retrieve the height and width of the menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent whenever the owner must update the visual appearance of the menu item. This option is not valid for a top-level menu item. MF_POPUP Specifies that the item has a pop-up menu associated with it. The parameter specifies a handle to a pop-up menu to be associated with the menu item. Use this flag for adding either a top-level pop-up menu or adding a hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up menu item. MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. You can only use this flag in a pop-up menu. This line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The and parameters are ignored. MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a character string; the parameter points to the string for the menu item. MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the menu item. No checkmark is the default if neither MF_CHECKED nor MF_UNCHECKED is set. If the application has supplied checkmark bitmaps (see %SetMenuItemBitmaps%), setting this flag displays the checkmark off bitmap next to the menu item. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32ModifyMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; PSZ psz5; register PMODIFYMENU16 parg16; UINT wIDNewItem; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(MODIFYMENU16), parg16); if (parg16->f3 & MF_BITMAP) { if (LOW16(parg16->f5) >= 4) psz5 = (PSZ)HBITMAP32(LOW(parg16->f5)); else psz5 = (PSZ)WORD32(parg16->f5); } else if (parg16->f3 & MF_OWNERDRAW) psz5 = (PSZ)DWORD32(parg16->f5); else GETPSZPTR(parg16->f5, psz5); wIDNewItem = (UINT) WORD32(parg16->f4); if (parg16->f3 & MF_POPUP) wIDNewItem = (UINT) HMENU32(parg16->f4); ul = GETBOOL16(ModifyMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3), wIDNewItem, psz5 )); if ( ul == FALSE && (parg16->f3 & MF_POPUP) ) { // // PowerPoint v4.0c passes an wIDNewItem which is not a menu handle // when they do pass MF_POPUP. This hack allows it to avoid the // error path in WINSRV. On Win 3.1, they never validated it so it // got through. Luckily they quickly modify the menu to not have // a popup menu soon after that. // if ( !IsMenu((HMENU) wIDNewItem) ) { // // Try again with a better sub-menu handle. // wIDNewItem = (UINT)GetSubMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2) ); ul = GETBOOL16(ModifyMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3), wIDNewItem, psz5 )); } } FREEPSZPTR(psz5); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL RemoveMenu(, , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; The %RemoveMenu% function deletes an menu item with an associated pop-up menu from the menu identified by the parameter but does not destroy the handle for the pop-up menu, allowing the menu to be reused. Before calling this function, the application should call %GetSubMenu% to retrieve the pop-up menu handle. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the menu item to be removed. The interpretation of the parameter depends upon the setting of the parameter. MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the existing menu item. MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the menu item. The first item in the menu is at position zero. Specifies how the parameter is interpreted. It must be either MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call %DrawMenuBar%. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32RemoveMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PREMOVEMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(REMOVEMENU16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(RemoveMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL SetMenu(, ) HWND ; HMENU ; The %SetMenu% function sets the given window's menu to the menu specified by the parameter. If is NULL, the window's current menu is removed. The %SetMenu% function causes the window to be redrawn to reflect the menu change. Identifies the window whose menu is to be changed. Identifies the new menu. The return value specifies whether the menu is changed. It is TRUE if the menu is changed. Otherwise, it is FALSE. %SetMenu% will not destroy a previous menu. An application should call the %DestroyMenu% function to accomplish this task. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32SetMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PSETMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETMENU16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(SetMenu( HWND32(parg16->f1), HMENU32(parg16->f2) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL SetMenuItemBitmaps(, , , , ) HMENU ; WORD ; WORD ; HBITMAP ; HBITMAP ; The %SetMenuItemBitmaps% function associates the specified bitmaps with a menu item. Whether the menu item is checked or unchecked, Windows displays the appropriate bitmap next to the menu item. Identifies the menu to be changed. Specifies the menu item to be changed. If is set to MF_BYPOSITION, specifies the position of the menu item; the first item in the menu is at position 0. If is set to MF_BYCOMMAND, then specifies the command ID of the menu item. Specifies how the parameter is interpreted. It may be set to MF_BYCOMMAND (the default) or MF_BYPOSITION. Identifies the bitmap to be displayed when the menu item is not checked. Identifies the bitmap to be displayed when the menu item is checked. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. If either the or the parameters is NULL, then Windows displays nothing next to the menu item for the corresponding attribute. If both parameters are NULL, Windows uses the default checkmark when the item is checked and removes the checkmark when the item is unchecked. When the menu is destroyed, these bitmaps are not destroyed; it is the responsibility of the application to destroy them. The %GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions% function retrieves the dimensions of the default checkmark used for menu items. The application should use these values to determine the appropriate size for the bitmaps supplied with this function. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32SetMenuItemBitmaps(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; register PSETMENUITEMBITMAPS16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETMENUITEMBITMAPS16), parg16); ul = GETBOOL16(SetMenuItemBitmaps( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3), HBITMAP32(parg16->f4), HBITMAP32(parg16->f5) )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); } /*++ BOOL TrackPopupMenu(, , , , , , ) The %TrackPopupMenu% function displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. A floating pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen. The parameter specifies the handle of the menu to be displayed; the application obtains this handle by calling %CreatePopupMenu% to create a new pop-up menu or by calling %GetSubMenu% to retrieve the handle of a pop-up menu associated with an existing menu item. Windows sends messages generated by the menu to the window identified by the parameter. Identifies the pop-up menu to be displayed. Not used. This parameter must be set to zero. Specifies the horizontal position in screen coordinates of the left side of the menu on the screen. Specifies the vertical position in screen coordinates of the top of the menu on the screen. Is reserved and must be set to zero. Identifies the window which owns the pop-up menu. This window receives all WM_COMMAND messages from the menu. Is reserved and must be set to NULL. The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE. --*/ ULONG FASTCALL WU32TrackPopupMenu(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul; RECT t7, *p7; register PTRACKPOPUPMENU16 parg16; GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(TRACKPOPUPMENU16), parg16); p7 = GETRECT16(parg16->f7, &t7); ul = GETBOOL16(TrackPopupMenu( HMENU32(parg16->f1), WORD32(parg16->f2), INT32(parg16->f3), INT32(parg16->f4), INT32(parg16->f5), HWND32(parg16->f6), p7 )); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }