;*** ;os2supp.inc - helper macros for OS/2, MTHREAD, and DLL support ; ; Copyright (c) 1987-88, Microsoft Corporation ; ;Purpose: ; Support for OS/2, MTHREAD, and DLL support ; ;Revision History: ; ; 08-25-88 WAJ Added this header. Added to 386 tree. ; ;******************************************************************************* ifdef MTHREAD OS2SUPP equ 1 else OS2SUPP equ 0 endif __MsgString equ <> ifdef MTHREAD __MsgString catstr __MsgString, < MTHREAD> endif ifdef SS_NEQ_DGROUP __MsgString catstr __MsgString, < SS_NEQ_DGROUP> endif ifdef DLL __MsgString catstr __MsgString, < DLL> endif __SMsgString sizestr __MsgString if __SMsgString if OS2SUPP __MsgString catstr , __MsgString else __MsgString catstr , __MsgString endif ifndef QUIET % display __MsgString endif endif _loadds macro ;; code for loading ds with DGROUP push ds mov ax,DGROUP mov ds,ax endm _reloadds macro ;; code for resetting ds pop ds endm ifmt macro code ifdef MTHREAD code endif endm nomt macro code ifndef MTHREAD code endif endm ifdll macro code ifdef DLL code endif endm if_LOAD_DGROUP macro code ifdef _LOAD_DGROUP code endif endm no_LOAD_DGROUP macro code ifndef _LOAD_DGROUP code endif endm