;*** ;msdos.inc - MS-DOS definitions for C runtime ; ; Copyright (c) 1987-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ; ;Purpose: ; This file contains the MS-DOS definitions (DOS function request ; numbers, flags, etc) used by the C runtime. ; ;Revision History: ; 10-22-87 JCR Removed "PROTMODE_ONLY" comments ; 02-19-88 SKS STACKSLOP is 256 for DOS, 512 for OS/2 ; 06-02-89 JCR Added 386 OS/2 allocmem/setmem flag definitions ; 06-07-89 JCR Bumped STACKSLOP to 1024 for 386 OS/2 ; 10-18-89 JCR Changed _NEWREGION to match change in OS2 mem APIs ; 11-02-89 JCR Added DOS32QUERYSYSINFO offset definitions ; 11-10-89 JCR Added OBJ_TILE bit to _NEWREGION memory request ; 06-06-90 SBM Added DOSOPEN flags, names match doscalls.h, added ; tentative new DOS32QUERYFHSTATE flags ; 12-10-90 GJF Updated values of new flags introduced above. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;_NFILE equ 20 ; maximum # files per process ifdef OS2 ifdef I386 STACKSLOP equ 1024 ; stack slop for 386 OS/2 system call overhead else STACKSLOP equ 512 ; stack slop for 286 OS/2 system call overhead endif else STACKSLOP equ 256 ; stack slop for DOS interrupt overhead endif ; __osfile flag values for DOS file handles FOPEN equ 01H ; file handle open FEOFLAG equ 02H ; end of file has been encountered FCRLF equ 04H ; CR-LF across read buffer (in text mode) FPIPE equ 08H ; file handle refers to a pipe FRDONLY equ 10H ; file handle associated with read only file FAPPEND equ 20H ; file handle opened O_APPEND FDEV equ 40H ; file handle refers to device FTEXT equ 80H ; file handle is in text mode callos MACRO func ifnb mov ah,DOS_&func endif int DOS ENDM DOS equ 21H ; MS-DOS interrupt DOS_exit equ 00000H ; exit offset (PSP:0000) DOS_maxpara equ 00002H ; maximum paragraph (PSP:0002) DOS_envp equ 0002cH ; environment address (PSP:002c) DOS_cmdline equ 00080H ; command line offset (PSP:0080) DOS_kill equ 00H ; terminate DOS_echoread equ 01H ; read keyboard and echo DOS_display equ 02H ; display character DOS_auxinput equ 03H ; auxiliary input DOS_auxoutput equ 04H ; auxiliary output DOS_print equ 05H ; print character DOS_conio equ 06H ; direct console i/o DOS_coninput equ 07H ; direct console input DOS_readkbd equ 08H ; read keyboard DOS_message equ 09H ; display string DOS_bufkbdin equ 0aH ; buffered keyboard input DOS_kbdstatus equ 0bH ; check keyboard status DOS_flshread equ 0cH ; flush buffer and read keyboard DOS_diskreset equ 0dH ; disk reset DOS_selectdisk equ 0eH ; select default disk DOS_fcbopen equ 0fH ; open file with fcb DOS_fcbclose equ 10H ; close file with fcb DOS_fcbfirst equ 11H ; search for first entry with fcb DOS_fcbnext equ 12H ; search for next entry with fcb DOS_fcbdelete equ 13H ; delete file with fcb DOS_fcbsread equ 14H ; sequential read with fcb DOS_fcbswrite equ 15H ; sequential write with fcb DOS_fcbcreate equ 16H ; create file with fcb DOS_fcbrename equ 17H ; rename file with fcb DOS_currentd equ 19H ; current default disk DOS_setDMA equ 1aH ; set DMA DOS_fcbrread equ 21H ; random read with fcb DOS_fcbrwrite equ 22H ; random write with fcb DOS_fcbsize equ 23H ; file size with fcb DOS_fcbsetrec equ 24H ; set relative record with fcb DOS_setvector equ 25H ; set interrupt vector DOS_fcbbread equ 27H ; random block read with fcb DOS_fcbbwrite equ 28H ; random block write with fcb DOS_fcbparse equ 29H ; parse file name with fcb DOS_getdate equ 2aH ; get date DOS_setdate equ 2bH ; set date DOS_gettime equ 2cH ; get time DOS_settime equ 2dH ; set time DOS_verify equ 2eH ; set/reset verify flag DOS_getDMA equ 2fH ; get DMA DOS_version equ 30H ; get version number DOS_keep equ 31H ; keep process DOS_cntlc equ 33H ; Cntl-C check DOS_getvector equ 35H ; get interrupt vector DOS_getdskspc equ 36H ; get disk free space DOS_country equ 38H ; get country dependent info DOS_mkdir equ 39H ; make subdirectory DOS_rmdir equ 3aH ; remove subdirectory DOS_chdir equ 3bH ; change subdirectory DOS_create equ 3cH ; create pathname DOS_open equ 3dH ; open pathname DOS_close equ 3eH ; close file handle DOS_read equ 3fH ; read from file handle DOS_write equ 40H ; write from file handle DOS_delete equ 41H ; delete pathname DOS_lseek equ 42H ; move file pointer DOS_filemode equ 43H ; get/set attributes of pathname DOS_ioctl equ 44H ; ioctl for devices DOS_dup equ 45H ; duplicate file handle DOS_forcedup equ 46H ; force duplicate file handle DOS_curdir equ 47H ; get current directory DOS_allocmem equ 48H ; allocate memory block DOS_freemem equ 49H ; free memory block DOS_setmem equ 4aH ; set size of memory block DOS_exec equ 4bH ; load and execute program DOS_terminate equ 4cH ; terminate process with errorcode DOS_wait equ 4dH ; get child process return code DOS_findfirst equ 4eH ; find first file match DOS_findnext equ 4fH ; find next file match DOS_getverify equ 54H ; return current verify flag DOS_rename equ 56H ; rename pathname DOS_filedate equ 57H ; get/set file handle date/time DOS_createnew equ 5BH ; create new file DOS_locking equ 5CH ; file record locking/unlocking DOS_sleep equ 89H ; delay process execution ; DOS error codes doserr MACRO num,name,text name equ num ENDM doserr 1, E_ifunc, doserr 2, E_nofile, doserr 3, E_nopath, doserr 4, E_toomany, doserr 5, E_access, doserr 6, E_ihandle, doserr 7, E_arena, doserr 8, E_nomem, doserr 9, E_iblock, doserr 10, E_badenv, doserr 11, E_badfmt, doserr 12, E_iaccess, doserr 13, E_idata, doserr 14, E_unknown, doserr 15, E_idrive, doserr 16, E_curdir, doserr 17, E_difdev, doserr 18, E_nomore, doserr 19, E_maxerr2, ; the following errors can occur only in DOS 3.0 doserr 32, E_sharerr, doserr 33, E_lockerr, doserr 34, E_maxerr3, ; DOS file attributes A_ro equ 01H ; read-only file A_h equ 02H ; hidden A_s equ 04H ; system A_v equ 08H ; volume ID A_d equ 10H ; directory A_a equ 20H ; archive A_mod equ A_ro+A_h+A_s+A_a ; modifiable attributes ; OS/2 file attributes, names match doscalls.h FILE_NORMAL equ 00h FILE_READONLY equ 01h FILE_HIDDEN equ 02h FILE_SYSTEM equ 04h FILE_DIRECTORY equ 10h FILE_ARCHIVED equ 20h ; OS/2 file creation bits F_CREATFLAG equ 10h F_OPENFLAG equ 01h F_TRUNCFLAG equ 02h ; OS/2 file creation bits, names match doscalls.h FILE_OPEN equ 01h FILE_TRUNCATE equ 02h FILE_CREATE equ 10h ; OS/2 DOS32OPEN/DOS32SETFHSTATE flags OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY equ 0000h OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY equ 0001h OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE equ 0002h OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE equ 0010h OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE equ 0020h OPEN_SHARE_DENYREAD equ 0030h OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE equ 0040h OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT equ 0080h OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR equ 2000h OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH equ 4000h OPEN_FLAGS_DASD equ 8000h ; new DOS32QUERYFHSTATE flags from DCR 'Add full 32-bit support for ; runtime libraries.' NAMES TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. STAY AWAY. OPEN_FLAGS_CONSOLE equ 00080000h OPEN_FLAGS_RAWMODE equ 00100000h OPEN_FLAGS_EOF equ 00200000h ; OS/2 device mask IS_DEV equ 1 IS_PIPE equ 2 ifdef I386 ; ; OS/2 System Call Flags (from bse32dos.h) ; ; Access protection PAG_READ equ 00000001h ; read access PAG_WRITE equ 00000002h ; write access PAG_EXECUTE equ 00000004h ; execute access PAG_GUARD equ 00000008h ; guard protection ; Commit PAG_COMMIT equ 00000010h ; commit storage PAG_DECOMMIT equ 00000020h ; decommit storage ; Allocation attributes OBJ_TILE equ 00000040h ; tile object OBJ_PROTECTED equ 00000080h ; protect object OBJ_GETTABLE equ 00000100h ; gettable by other processes OBJ_GIVEABLE equ 00000200h ; giveable to other processes ; Standard memory values for C lib (heap and mthread code) _NEWREGION equ (PAG_READ OR PAG_WRITE OR OBJ_TILE) _COMMIT equ (PAG_COMMIT OR PAG_READ OR PAG_WRITE) _DECOMMIT equ (PAG_DECOMMIT) ; Indices for DOS32QUERYSYSINFO system call (from bsedos.h) _QSV_MAX_PATH_LENGTH EQU 1 _QSV_MAX_TEXT_SESSIONS EQU 2 _QSV_MAX_PM_SESSIONS EQU 3 _QSV_MAX_VDM_SESSIONS EQU 4 _QSV_BOOT_DRIVE EQU 5 ; 1=A, 2=B, etc. _QSV_DYN_PRI_VARIATION EQU 6 ; 0=Absolute, 1=Dynamic _QSV_MAX_WAIT EQU 7 ; seconds _QSV_MIN_SLICE EQU 8 ; milli seconds _QSV_MAX_SLICE EQU 9 ; milli seconds _QSV_PAGE_SIZE EQU 10 _QSV_VERSION_MAJOR EQU 11 _QSV_VERSION_MINOR EQU 12 _QSV_VERSION_REVISION EQU 13 ; Revision letter endif ; end of msdos.inc ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------