path: root/public/sdk/inc/mipsinst.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'public/sdk/inc/mipsinst.h')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/sdk/inc/mipsinst.h b/public/sdk/inc/mipsinst.h
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index 000000000..000beb30d
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+/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
+Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ mipsinst.h
+ Mips instruction and floating constant definitions.
+ David N. Cutler (davec) 8-May-1992
+Revision History:
+#ifndef _MIPSINST_
+#define _MIPSINST_
+// Define MIPS instruction format structures.
+typedef union _MIPS_INSTRUCTION {
+ ULONG Long;
+ UCHAR Byte[4];
+ struct {
+ ULONG Target : 26;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } j_format;
+ struct {
+ LONG Simmediate : 16;
+ ULONG Rt : 5;
+ ULONG Rs : 5;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } i_format;
+ struct {
+ ULONG Uimmediate : 16;
+ ULONG Rt : 5;
+ ULONG Rs : 5;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } u_format;
+ struct {
+ ULONG Function : 6;
+ ULONG Re : 5;
+ ULONG Rd : 5;
+ ULONG Rt : 5;
+ ULONG Rs : 5;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } r_format;
+ struct {
+ ULONG Function : 6;
+ ULONG Re : 5;
+ ULONG Rd : 5;
+ ULONG Rt : 5;
+ ULONG Format : 4;
+ ULONG Fill1 : 1;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } f_format;
+ struct {
+ ULONG Function : 6;
+ ULONG Fd : 5;
+ ULONG Fs : 5;
+ ULONG Ft : 5;
+ ULONG Format : 4;
+ ULONG Fill1 : 1;
+ ULONG Opcode : 6;
+ } c_format;
+// Define MIPS instruction opcode values.
+#define SPEC_OP 0x0 // special opcode - use function field
+#define BCOND_OP 0x1 // condition branch
+#define J_OP 0x2 // unconditional jump
+#define JAL_OP 0x3 // jump and link
+#define BEQ_OP 0x4 // branch equal
+#define BNE_OP 0x5 // branch not equal
+#define BLEZ_OP 0x6 // branch less than or equal
+#define BGTZ_OP 0x7 // branch greater than
+#define ADDI_OP 0x8 // add immediate signed integer
+#define ADDIU_OP 0x9 // add immediate unsigned integer
+#define SLTI_OP 0xa // set less than signed integer
+#define SLTIU_OP 0xb // set less than unsigned integer
+#define ANDI_OP 0xc // and unsigned immediate integer
+#define ORI_OP 0xd // or unsigned immediate integer
+#define XORI_OP 0xe // exclusive or unsigned immediate
+#define LUI_OP 0xf // load upper immediate integer
+#define COP0_OP 0x10 // coprocessor 0 operation
+#define COP1_OP 0x11 // coprocessor 1 operation
+#define BEQL_OP 0x14 // branch equal likely
+#define BNEL_OP 0x15 // branch not equal likely
+#define BLEZL_OP 0x16 // branch less than or equal likely
+#define BGTZL_OP 0x17 // branch greater than likely
+#define LDL_OP 0x1a // load double left integer
+#define LDR_OP 0x1b // load double right integer
+#define LB_OP 0x20 // load byte signed integer
+#define LH_OP 0x21 // load halfword signed integer
+#define LWL_OP 0x22 // load word left integer
+#define LW_OP 0x23 // load word integer
+#define LBU_OP 0x24 // load byte unsigned integer
+#define LHU_OP 0x25 // load halfword unsigned integer
+#define LWR_OP 0x26 // load word right integer
+#define LWU_OP 0x27 // load word unsigned integer
+#define SB_OP 0x28 // store byte integer
+#define SH_OP 0x29 // store halfword integer
+#define SWL_OP 0x2a // store word left integer
+#define SW_OP 0x2b // store word integer register
+#define SDL_OP 0x2c // store double left integer
+#define SDR_OP 0x2d // store double right integer
+#define SWR_OP 0x2e // store word right integer
+#define CACHE_OP 0x2f // cache operation
+#define LL_OP 0x30 // load linked integer register
+#define LWC1_OP 0x31 // load word floating
+#define LWC2_OP 0x32 // load word coprocessor 2
+#define LLD_OP 0x34 // load locked double integer
+#define LDC1_OP 0x35 // load word double floating
+#define LDC2_OP 0x36 // load double coprocessor 2
+#define LD_OP 0x37 // load double integer
+#define SC_OP 0x38 // store conditional word integer
+#define SWC1_OP 0x39 // store word floating
+#define SWC2_OP 0x3a // store double coprocessor 2
+#define SDC_OP 0x3c // store conditional double integer
+#define SDC1_OP 0x3d // store double floating
+#define SDC2_OP 0x3e // store double copreocessor 2
+#define SD_OP 0x3f // store double integer register
+// Define special function subopcodes.
+#define SLL_OP 0x0 // shift left logical integer
+#define SRL_OP 0x2 // shift right logical integer
+#define SRA_OP 0x3 // shift right arithmetic integer
+#define SLLV_OP 0x4 // shift left logical variable integer
+#define SRLV_OP 0x6 // shift right logical variable integer
+#define SRAV_OP 0x7 // shift right arithmetic variable integer
+#define JR_OP 0x8 // jump register
+#define JALR_OP 0x9 // jump and link register
+#define SYSCALL_OP 0xc // system call trap
+#define BREAK_OP 0xd // breakpoint trap
+#define MFHI_OP 0x10 // more from high integer
+#define MTHI_OP 0x11 // move to high integer
+#define MFLO_OP 0x12 // move from low integer
+#define MTLO_OP 0x13 // move to low integer
+#define MULT_OP 0x18 // multiply signed integer
+#define MULTU_OP 0x19 // multiply unsigned integer
+#define DIV_OP 0x1a // divide signed integer
+#define DIVU_OP 0x1b // divide unsigned integer
+#define ADD_OP 0x20 // add signed integer
+#define ADDU_OP 0x21 // add unsigned integer
+#define SUP_OP 0x22 // subtract signed integer
+#define SUBU_OP 0x23 // subtract unsigned integer
+#define AND_OP 0x24 // and integer
+#define OR_OP 0x25 // or integer
+#define XOR_OP 0x26 // exclusive or integer
+#define NOR_OP 0x27 // nor integer
+#define SLT_OP 0x2a // set less signed integer
+#define SLTU_OP 0x2b // set less unsigned integer
+// Define branch conditional subopcodes.
+#define BLTZ_OP 0x0 // branch less that zero integer
+#define BGEZ_OP 0x1 // branch greater than or equal zero integer
+#define BLTZL_OP 0x2 // branch less that zero integer liekly
+#define BGEZL_OP 0x3 // branch greater than or equal zero integer likely
+#define BLTZAL_OP 0x10 // branch less than zero integer and link
+#define BGEZAL_OP 0x11 // branch greater than or equal zero integer and link
+#define BLTZALL_OP 0x12 // branch less than zero integer and link likely
+#define BGEZALL_OP 0x13 // branch greater than or equal zero integer and link likely
+// Coprocessor branch true and false subfunctions and mask values.
+#define COPz_BC_MASK 0x3e10000 // coprocessor z branch condition mask
+#define COPz_BF 0x1000000 // coprocessor z branch false subfunction
+#define COPz_BT 0x1010000 // coprocessor z branch true subfunction
+// Define floating coprocessor 1 opcodes.
+#define FLOAT_ADD 0 // floating add
+#define FLOAT_SUBTRACT 1 // floating subtract
+#define FLOAT_MULTIPLY 2 // floating multiply
+#define FLOAT_DIVIDE 3 // floating divide
+#define FLOAT_SQUARE_ROOT 4 // floating square root
+#define FLOAT_ABSOLUTE 5 // floating absolute value
+#define FLOAT_MOVE 6 // floating move
+#define FLOAT_NEGATE 7 // floating negate
+#define FLOAT_ROUND_QUADWORD 8 // floating round to longword
+#define FLOAT_TRUNC_QUADWORD 9 // floating truncate to longword
+#define FLOAT_CEIL_QUADWORD 10 // floating ceiling
+#define FLOAT_FLOOR_QUADWORD 11 // floating floor
+#define FLOAT_ROUND_LONGWORD 12 // floating round to longword
+#define FLOAT_TRUNC_LONGWORD 13 // floating truncate to longword
+#define FLOAT_CEIL_LONGWORD 14 // floating ceiling
+#define FLOAT_FLOOR_LONGWORD 15 // floating floor
+#define FLOAT_ILLEGAL 16 // illegal floating opcode
+#define FLOAT_COMPARE_SINGLE 17 // floating compare single
+#define FLOAT_COMPARE_DOUBLE 18 // floating compare double
+#define FLOAT_CONVERT_SINGLE 32 // floating convert to single
+#define FLOAT_CONVERT_DOUBLE 33 // floating convert to double
+#define FLOAT_CONVERT_LONGWORD 36 // floating convert to longword integer
+#define FLOAT_CONVERT_QUADWORD 37 // floating convert to quadword integer
+#define FLOAT_COMPARE 48 // starting floating compare code
+// Define floating format values.
+#define FORMAT_SINGLE 0 // single floating format
+#define FORMAT_DOUBLE 1 // double floating format
+#define FORMAT_LONGWORD 4 // longword integer format
+#define FORMAT_QUADWORD 5 // quadword integer format
+// Define jump indirect return address register.
+#define JUMP_RA 0x3e00008 // jump indirect return address
+// Define maximum and minimum single and double exponent values.
+// Define single and double exponent bias values.
+// Define the largest single and double values;
+#define DOUBLE_MAXIMUM_VALUE 0x7fefffffffffffff
+#define DOUBLE_MAXIMUM_VALUE_LOW 0xffffffff
+#define DOUBLE_MAXIMUM_VALUE_HIGH 0x7fefffff
+#define SINGLE_MAXIMUM_VALUE 0x7f7fffff
+// Define single and double quite and signaling Nan values.
+#define DOUBLE_NAN_LOW 0xffffffff
+#define DOUBLE_QUIET_NAN 0x7ff7ffff
+#define DOUBLE_SIGNAL_NAN 0x7fffffff
+#define SINGLE_QUIET_NAN 0x7fbfffff
+#define SINGLE_SIGNAL_NAN 0x7fffffff
+#define DOUBLE_INTEGER_NAN 0x7fffffffffffffff
+#define SINGLE_INTEGER_NAN 0x7fffffff
+// Define positive single and double infinity values.
+#define DOUBLE_INFINITY_VALUE 0x7ff0000000000000
+#define DOUBLE_INFINITY_VALUE_HIGH 0x7ff00000
+#define SINGLE_INFINITY_VALUE 0x7f800000
+// Define rounding modes.
+#define ROUND_TO_NEAREST 0 // round to nearest representable value
+#define ROUND_TO_ZERO 1 // round toward zero
+#define ROUND_TO_PLUS_INFINITY 2 // round toward plus infinity
+#define ROUND_TO_MINUS_INFINITY 3 // round toward minus infinity
+#endif // MIPSINST