path: root/private/os2/client/thunk/thunkcom/codegen.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/os2/client/thunk/thunkcom/codegen.c b/private/os2/client/thunk/thunkcom/codegen.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44c5dea20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/os2/client/thunk/thunkcom/codegen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+#define SCCSID "@(#)codegen.c 13.26 90/08/28"
+ * Thunk Compiler - Code Generator.
+ *
+ * This is a Windows 3.2 specific file
+ * Microsoft Confidential
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1987, 1988, 1989
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Written 10/15/88 by Kevin Ross [for OS/2 2.x]
+ * 10.16.90 Kevin Ruddell ported to Windows 3.2, 16=>32
+ * 02.20.91 Kevin Ruddell re-wrote 16=>32 code
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "error.h"
+#include "thunk.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "symtab.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+extern CHAR *pszGDISemName;
+extern BOOL fLocalHeapUsed;
+static FixupRec *FixUps = NULL;
+unsigned int iStackOverhead;
+unsigned int iAllocOffset,iBMPOffset,iAliasOffset,iTempStoreOffset,
+ iReturnValOffset,iSavedRegOffset,iErrorOffset,
+ iStackThunkIDOffset, iPtrThunkIDOffset;
+/*** cod_GenerateCode(pmnFirst)
+ *
+ * This function generates the appropriate code for all of the
+ * given mappings.
+ *
+ * Entry: pmnFirst - a pointer to a list of mapping nodes.
+ *
+ * Exit: code is generated for all mappings.
+ *
+ * PCode:
+ * Scan list and convert names where needed
+ * Output Assembler File Prolog
+ * - Define all segments, and groups
+ * For (each function mapping in pMT) {
+ * switch (mapping type) {
+ * case 16 -> 32: gen_Handle1632(pMT);
+ * break;
+ * case 32 -> 16: gen_Handle3216(pMT);
+ * break;
+ * default: fatal("unknown mapping type");
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 29-Nov-1988 JulieB Restructured FOR loop for cod_Handle routines
+ * 28-Nov-1988 JulieB Init gen_LabelCount. Added inline comments.
+ * 04-Apr-1989 KevinRo Added Undercase/Underscore routine
+ */
+void cod_GenerateCode( PMAPNODE pmnFirst)
+ BOOL fExistsTo16, fExistsTo32;
+ fExistsTo16 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API16);
+ fExistsTo32 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API32);
+ if( (fExistsTo16 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API16)) &&
+ (fExistsTo32 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API32))) {
+ cod_NotHandled( "both 16=>32 and 32=>16 thunks in same script");
+ return;
+ }
+ cod_ConvertNames( pmnFirst); /* Fixup changes in names */
+ if( fExistsTo16) {
+// YaronS - take this out to reduce size
+ ;
+* cod_OutputProlog( pmnFirst);
+* if( fGlobalCombine)
+* cod_CombineFunctions( pmnFirst);
+* if( DumpTables)
+* cod_DumpMapTable( pmnFirst);
+* for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping)
+* cod_Handle3216( pmn);
+* cod_OutputEpilog( pmn);
+ } else if( fExistsTo32) {
+ cod16_Handle16( pmnFirst);
+ cod16_Prolog32( pmnFirst);
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping)
+ cod16_Handle32( pmn);
+ cod16_Epilog32( pmnFirst);
+ }
+/*** cod_ConvertNames(pMN)
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Entry:
+ *
+ * Exit:
+ */
+void cod_ConvertNames( MapNode *pMT)
+ for( ; pMT; pMT = pMT->pNextMapping) {
+ /*
+ * If fUnderScore32 is set true, then prefix an underscore to the
+ * 32-bit function name.
+ */
+ if (fUnderScore32) {
+ cod_PrefixUnderscore((pMT->pFromNode->iCallType==TYPE_API32) ?
+ pMT->pFromNode : pMT->pToNode);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If fUpperCase16 is set true, then force the 16bit function to
+ * be all upper case.
+ */
+ if (fUpperCase16) {
+ cod_ToUpper((pMT->pFromNode->iCallType==TYPE_API16) ?
+ pMT->pFromNode->pchFunctionName :
+ pMT->pToNode->pchFunctionName);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If fUpperCase32 is set, then force the 32 bit name to be
+ * uppercase.
+ */
+ if (fUpperCase32) {
+ cod_ToUpper((pMT->pFromNode->iCallType==TYPE_API32) ?
+ pMT->pFromNode->pchFunctionName :
+ pMT->pToNode->pchFunctionName);
+ }
+ }
+/*** cod_StructOffset()
+ *
+ * This routine will traverse the StructElems of a typenode,
+ * calculating both the offset and size of each element of the
+ * structure. Size is only calculated for elements that are structures.
+ *
+ * Entry: pTNode - pointer to the structure element list.
+ * iPrev - the offset of any previous elements in element list.
+ * iAlign - the alignment value for the structure. Either
+ * 1,2 or 4, determines the packing for calculating
+ * offsets.
+ *
+ * Exit: Each element in the structure will have its StructOffset
+ * field set correctly.
+ *
+ * Returns the size of the structure as defined in 'C'.
+ *
+ * PCode:
+ * For (Each element in element list) {
+ * If (Element is a pointer type) {
+ * Element offset Aligned Offset
+ * Next offset = current + 4 * Array size
+ * If (Element type is structure)
+ * StructOffset(Element,Zero offset,Current Alignment)
+ * } Else if (Element is a structure) {
+ * Save previous offset
+ * Current offset =
+ * StructOffset(Element,Current offset,Current Alignment)
+ * Struct size = Current offset - Previous offset
+ * } Else {
+ * Align current offset according to data size
+ * Struct offset = current offset
+ * Current offset+= Datasize * ArraySize
+ * }
+ * }
+ * return (CurrentOffset which is same as structure size)
+ */
+int cod_StructOffset(TypeNode *pTNode,
+ int iPrev,
+ int iAlign)
+ TypeNode *pTN;
+ int iSize=0;
+ int iLargest;
+ int tmpAlign;
+ /*
+ * Preset the alignment for the first item in structure.
+ */
+ iLargest = cod_FindLargestSize(pTNode);
+ tmpAlign = MIN(iLargest,iAlign);
+ iPrev = Align(iPrev,tmpAlign);
+ for (pTN = pTNode; pTN; pTN = pTN->pNextNode) {
+ if (pTN->iDeleted) {
+ pTN->iStructOffset = iPrev;
+ } else if (pTN->iPointerType) {
+ iPrev = Align(iPrev,tmpAlign);
+ pTN->iStructOffset = iPrev;
+ iPrev += DWORD_SIZE * pTN->iArraySize;
+ if (pTN->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ pTN->iBaseDataSize = cod_StructOffset(pTN->pStructElems,0,iAlign);
+ }
+ } else if (pTN->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ iSize = iPrev;
+ pTN->iStructOffset = iPrev;
+ iPrev = cod_StructOffset(pTN->pStructElems,iPrev,tmpAlign);
+ if (pTN->pStructElems) {
+ pTN->iStructOffset = pTN->pStructElems->iStructOffset;
+ }
+ pTN->iBaseDataSize = (iPrev - pTN->iStructOffset) ;
+ iPrev += pTN->iBaseDataSize * (pTN->iArraySize - 1);
+ } else {
+ switch(pTN->iBaseDataSize)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ /*
+ * Byte size items are always Byte aligned.
+ */
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (tmpAlign >= 2) {
+ /*
+ * Word size items are always WORD aligned.
+ */
+ iPrev = Align(iPrev,WORD_SIZE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ iPrev = Align(iPrev,tmpAlign);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("cod_StructOffset: iBaseDataSize = %d",
+ pTN->iBaseDataSize);
+ }
+ pTN->iStructOffset = iPrev;
+ iPrev += pTN->iBaseDataSize * pTN->iArraySize;
+ }
+ }
+ iPrev = Align( iPrev, tmpAlign);
+ return (iPrev);
+/*** cod_FindLargestSize(pTN)
+ *
+ * This little routine returns the size of the largest item in the
+ * TypeNode list pTN. The largest size refers to the largest
+ * value in iBaseDataSize. A pointer is considered the largest, at
+ * 4 bytes. If an item of 4 byte size is found, this routine returns
+ * 4 immediately.
+ *
+ * This routine is used by StructOffset as a worker routine.
+ *
+ * Entry: pTN - pointer to the type node.
+ *
+ * Exit: returns the size of the largest item in pTN.
+ */
+int cod_FindLargestSize(TypeNode *pTN)
+ int maxsize = 0;
+ if (!pTN)
+ fatal("cod_FindLargestItem(pTN) Null Parameter");
+ for (; pTN; pTN = pTN->pNextNode) {
+ /*
+ * If item is deleted, then ignore it.
+ */
+ if (pTN->iDeleted)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Pointers are the largest items of interest. If we find one, then
+ * cut the search off, and return its size. Pointers are always DWORDs.
+ */
+ if (pTN->iPointerType)
+ return DWORD_SIZE;
+ if (pTN->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ maxsize = MAX(maxsize,cod_FindLargestSize(pTN->pStructElems));
+ }
+ maxsize = MAX( maxsize, (int)(pTN->iBaseDataSize));
+ }
+ return (maxsize);
+/*** cod_CalcStructOffsets()
+ *
+ * Entry: pTNode - List of parameters from a function node.
+ * iAlign - Alignment default value.
+ *
+ * Exit: structure offsets are calculated.
+ *
+ * PCode:
+ * For (Each parameter in list) {
+ * If (Parameter is a structure) {
+ * If (Alignment < 1)
+ * Assign default alignment to parameter
+ * ParameterSize = StructOffset(StructElems,0,Struct Align)
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+void cod_CalcStructOffsets( TypeNode *pTNode, int iAlign)
+ for( ; pTNode; pTNode = pTNode->pNextNode) {
+ if( pTNode->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ if( pTNode->iAlignment < 1)
+ pTNode->iAlignment = iAlign;
+ pTNode->iBaseDataSize =
+ cod_StructOffset( pTNode->pStructElems, 0, pTNode->iAlignment);
+ }
+ }
+/*** cod_CalcTempOffset(pTL, iStart)
+ *
+ * This routine will traverse a list of formal parameters, pTL,
+ * and calculate the stack offset for each temporary pointer.
+ * Temporary pointers will be assigned for every pointer in the
+ * type list, including pointers imbedded in structures.
+ *
+ * Entry: pTL - typeNode pointing to remainder of parameter list.
+ * iStart - the first available place for the temp pointers on
+ * the stack
+ *
+ * Exit: Each node in the pTL list will have its iTempOffset field
+ * filled in with the offset from eBP on the stack. The value
+ * returned by this function is the next available position
+ * on the stack.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 26-Dec-1988 KevinRo Created
+ */
+int cod_CalcTempOffset(TypeNode *pTL,
+ unsigned int iStart)
+ while (pTL) {
+ if (pTL->iPointerType) {
+ pTL->iTempOffset = iStart;
+ iStart += DWORD_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (pTL->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ iStart = cod_CalcTempOffset(pTL->pStructElems,iStart);
+ }
+ pTL = pTL->pNextNode;
+ }
+ return (iStart);
+/*** cod_CalcOffset(pTL, start, iPSize, fPushDir)
+ *
+ * This routine will traverse a list of formal parameters, pTL,
+ * and calculate the stack offset for each parameter. This routine
+ * will handle the calculation for stack offsets regardless of
+ * push direction (left to right, or right to left).
+ *
+ * Entry: pTL - typenode pointing to remainder of parameter list.
+ * start - bytes between top of stack and first parameter.
+ * iPSize - default size of parameters on stack. 16:16 routines
+ * pass WORD parameters, 0:32 DWORD parameters.
+ * fPushDir - direction of push (PUSH_LEFT = left to right).
+ *
+ * Exit: Each node in the pTL list will have its iOffset field filled
+ * in with the offset from eBP on the stack.
+ *
+ * PCode: (This routine is recursive)
+ * If (push left to right) { // push left to right
+ * If (pTL not NULL) {
+ * Current offset = return from CalcOffset of next parameter in list
+ * return Current Offset + size of current parameter
+ * } Else {
+ * return starting offset.
+ * }
+ * } Else { // push right to left
+ * If (pTL) {
+ * Current Offset = starting offset
+ * starting offset += Size of parameter on stack
+ * CalcOffset rest of list, using new starting offset
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 30-Nov-1988 JulieB Added use of MAX macro.
+ */
+int cod_CalcOffset(TypeNode *pTL,
+ int start,
+ int iPSize,
+ int fPushDir)
+ if (fPushDir == PUSH_LEFT) {
+ if (pTL) {
+ start = pTL->iOffset
+ = cod_CalcOffset( pTL->pNextNode, start, iPSize, fPushDir);
+ /*
+ * If the parameter is flagged as deleted, then don't add
+ * its size to the offset.
+ */
+ if( !(pTL->iDeleted)) {
+ start += (pTL->iPointerType) ?
+ 4 :
+ MAX( (int)(pTL->iBaseDataSize), iPSize);
+ }
+ }
+ return start;
+ } else {
+ if (pTL) {
+ pTL->iOffset = start;
+ /*
+ * If the parameter is flagged as deleted, then don't add
+ * its size to the offset.
+ */
+ if( !pTL->iDeleted) {
+ start += (pTL->iPointerType) ?
+ 4 :
+ MAX( (int)(pTL->iBaseDataSize), iPSize);
+ }
+ cod_CalcOffset( pTL->pNextNode, start, iPSize, fPushDir);
+ }
+ }
+/*** cod_OutputProlog( pmnFirst)
+ *
+ * This routine will output a masm header.
+ *
+ * Entry: pmnFirst - linked lists of mapping nodes.
+ *
+ * Exit:
+ *
+ * PCode:
+ * Output masm header
+ * For (each entry point)
+ * Declare symbol as public
+ * Open segment
+ * For (each called routine)
+ * If (routine is 32 bit)
+ * Output external
+ */
+static void
+cod_OutputProlog( MapNode *pmnFirst)
+ register MapNode *pmn;
+ FunctionNode *pFNode;
+ BOOL fExistsTo16, fExistsTo32;
+ fExistsTo16 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API16);
+ fExistsTo32 = cod_ExistsToType( pmnFirst, TYPE_API32);
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst, fLocalHeapUsed = FALSE; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping)
+ if( typ_QuerySemanticsUsed( pmn, SEMANTIC_LOCALHEAP))
+ fLocalHeapUsed = TRUE;
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping)
+ printf( "PUBLIC\t%s\n", pmn->pFromNode->pchFunctionName);
+ //printf( "\nDGROUP\tGROUP\t_DATA\n");
+ printf( "\n%s\tSEGMENT\tDWORD USE32 PUBLIC '%s'\n",
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping) {
+ pFNode = pmn->pToNode;
+ if( pFNode->iCallType == TYPE_API32)
+ printf( "EXTRN\t%s:NEAR\n", pFNode->pchFunctionName);
+ }
+ printf( "EXTRN\tSELTOFLAT:NEAR\n");
+ if( fExistsTo16) {
+ printf( "EXTRN\tGETTHUNKID32:NEAR\n");
+ printf( "EXTRN\tMAPLS32:NEAR\n");
+ printf( "EXTRN\tUNMAPLS32:NEAR\n");
+ printf( "EXTRN\tGETSTACK32:NEAR\n");
+ printf( "EXTRN\tRELEASESTACK32:NEAR\n");
+ }
+ printf( "%s\tENDS\n\n", CODE32_NAME);
+ printf( "%s\tSEGMENT\tDWORD USE32 PUBLIC '%s'\n",DATA32_NAME, DATA32_CLASS);
+ if( fExistsTo16) {
+ //printf( "EXTRN\t%s:DWORD\n", pszGDISemName);
+ }
+ if( fLocalHeapUsed) {
+ }
+ printf( "%s\tENDS\n\n",DATA32_NAME);
+ printf( "%s\tSEGMENT\tWORD USE16 PUBLIC '%s'\n",CODE16_NAME,CODE16_CLASS);
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping) {
+ pFNode = pmn->pToNode;
+ if( pFNode->iCallType == TYPE_API16)
+ printf( "EXTRN\t%s:FAR\n", pFNode->pchFunctionName);
+ }
+ printf( "%s\tENDS\n\n", CODE16_NAME);
+/*** cod_OutputEpilog(pMT)
+ *
+ * Outputs any code that belongs at the end of the source file.
+ *
+ * Entry: pMT - pointer to the list of mapnodes.
+ *
+ * Exit: code for end of source file is generated.
+ */
+void cod_OutputEpilog( MapNode *pMT)
+ printf("\n\n\tEND\n");
+/*** cod_ExistsToType
+ *
+ * This function returns TRUE iff one of the mapnodes in the list
+ * has a ToNode of the indicated type.
+ *
+ */
+cod_ExistsToType( MapNode *pmnFirst, // pointer to the list of mapnodes
+ int iCallType) // type of sought ToNode
+ register MapNode *pmn;
+ for( pmn = pmnFirst; pmn; pmn = pmn->pNextMapping) {
+ if( pmn->pToNode->iCallType == iCallType)
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/*** cod_CountPointerParameters
+ *
+ * This function returns the number of pointers in a procedure. If the
+ * fStructOnly is set, it will only return the number of pointers to
+ * structures.
+ *
+ * Entry: pTT - pointer to the first TypeNode in the type table.
+ * fStructOnly - 1 = only count structure pointers.
+ * 0 = count all pointers.
+ *
+ * Exit: returns the number of pointers in a procedure.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 28-Nov-1988 JulieB Created it.
+ * 14-Dec-1988 Kevinro Added recursion to include imbedded pointers
+ * 02-Feb-1989 Kevinro Added structure flag
+ */
+int cod_CountPointerParameters(TypeNode *pTT,
+ int fStructOnly)
+ register TypeNode *pTNode; /* pointer to a TypeNode */
+ register int iNumPtrs = 0; /* number of pointer parameters */
+ for (pTNode = pTT; pTNode != NULL; pTNode = pTNode->pNextNode) {
+ if (pTNode->iPointerType) {
+ if (!fStructOnly) {
+ pTNode->iPointerNumber=iNumPtrs++;
+ }
+ else if (pTNode->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ pTNode->iPointerNumber=iNumPtrs++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pTNode->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT) {
+ iNumPtrs +=
+ cod_CountPointerParameters(pTNode->pStructElems,fStructOnly);
+ }
+ if (iNumPtrs > 32) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Too many pointer parameters - limit is 32\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (iNumPtrs);
+/*** cod_CountParameterBytes(pTT, iDefSize)
+ *
+ * This function returns the number of bytes in a parameter list.
+ *
+ * Entry: pTT - pointer to the first TypeNode in the type table.
+ * DefSize - parameter default size - based on whether API16 (2)
+ * or API32 (4).
+ *
+ * Exit: returns number of bytes in parameter list.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 28-Nov-1988 JulieB Created it.
+ * 08-Mar-1991 KevinR skip deleted nodes
+ */
+unsigned int cod_CountParameterBytes( TypeNode *pTT, unsigned int uiDefSize)
+ register TypeNode *pTNode; /* pointer to a TypeNode */
+ register unsigned int uiNumBytes = 0; /* number of parameter bytes */
+ for (pTNode = pTT; pTNode; pTNode = pTNode->pNextNode) {
+ if( !pTNode->iDeleted) {
+ uiNumBytes += pTNode->iPointerType ?
+ MAX( pTNode->iBaseDataSize, uiDefSize);
+ }
+ }
+ return uiNumBytes;
+/*** cod_MakeFixupRecord(pParent,pFrom,pTo)
+ *
+ * This function will allocate and fill in a FixupRec. It will then
+ * return a pointer to the new record.
+ *
+ * Entry: pParent - Parent Node
+ * pFrom - From node
+ * pTo - To Node
+ *
+ * Exit: Returns the pointer to the new fixup record.
+ */
+FixupRec *cod_MakeFixupRecord(TypeNode *pParentFrom,
+ TypeNode *pParentTo,
+ TypeNode *pFrom,
+ TypeNode *pTo)
+ FixupRec *temp = NULL;
+ temp = (FixupRec *) malloc(sizeof(FixupRec));
+ if (temp) {
+ temp->pParentFrom = pParentFrom;
+ temp->pParentTo = pParentTo;
+ temp->pFrom = pFrom;
+ temp->pTo = pTo;
+ temp->pNextRec = NULL;
+ } else {
+ fatal("cod_MakeFixupRecord failed memory allocation");
+ }
+ return (temp);
+/*** cod_AddFixupRecord(ppList, pFR)
+ *
+ * This routine will add the fixup record pFR to the end of the current
+ * fixup record list.
+ *
+ * Entry: ppList - points to the address of a fixup record list.
+ * pFR - points to an allocated fixup record.
+ *
+ * Exit: pFR - will be appended to the end of the static list FixUps.
+ */
+void cod_AddFixupRecord( FixupRec **ppList, FixupRec *pFR)
+ FixupRec *index = *ppList;
+ pFR->pNextRec = NULL;
+ if (index == NULL) {
+ *ppList = pFR;
+ }
+ else {
+ while (index->pNextRec)
+ index = index->pNextRec;
+ index->pNextRec = pFR;
+ }
+/*** cod_GetFixupRecord(ppList)
+ *
+ * This function removes and returns the head of the ppList list.
+ *
+ * Entry: ppList - pointer to address of fixup record list.
+ *
+ * Exit: returns the pointer to the node removed from ppList. If
+ * list was empty, then it returns NULL.
+ */
+FixupRec * cod_GetFixupRecord( FixupRec **ppList)
+ FixupRec *index = *ppList;
+ if (index)
+ *ppList = (*ppList)->pNextRec;
+ return (index);
+/*** cod_AdjustReg(pchReg,iCurrent,iWanted)
+ *
+ * This routine will emit code that will ensure that the register named in
+ * pchReg will have the value in iWanted, based on the current value in
+ * iCurrent. This includes the ability to add or subtract from pchReg.
+ *
+ * Entry: pchReg - register name.
+ * iCurrent - pointer to current value.
+ * iWanted - value to be placed in iCurrent.
+ *
+ * Exit: generates code to adjust registers.
+ */
+cod_AdjustReg(char *pchReg,
+ int *iCurrent,
+ int iWanted)
+ int Delta;
+ if (*iCurrent == iWanted)
+ return;
+ Delta = iWanted - *iCurrent;
+ if (Delta < 0) {
+ if (Delta == -1)
+ printf("\tdec\t%s\n",pchReg);
+ else
+ printf("\tsub\t%s,%d\n",pchReg,-Delta);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (Delta == 1)
+ printf("\tinc\t%s\n",pchReg);
+ else
+ printf("\tadd\t%s,%d\n",pchReg,Delta);
+ }
+ *iCurrent = iWanted;
+/*** cod_ToUpper(s)
+ *
+ * Convert string s to all upper case.
+ *
+ * Entry: s == string to convert.
+ *
+ * Exit: s == converted string.
+ */
+void cod_ToUpper(char *s)
+ for( ; *s; s++)
+ *s = (char)toupper(*s);
+/*** cod_PrefixUnderscore(F)
+ *
+ * Insert an underscore in front of node name.
+ *
+ * Entry: F - function node to change.
+ *
+ * Exit: underscore is inserted in front of node name.
+ */
+void cod_PrefixUnderscore(FunctionNode *F)
+ char *temp;
+ if (!F)
+ fatal("cod_PrefixUnderscore(F): F is NULL");
+ temp = (char *) malloc(strlen(F->pchFunctionName) + 3);
+ sprintf(temp,"_%s",F->pchFunctionName);
+ free(F->pchFunctionName);
+ F->pchFunctionName = temp;
+/*** cod_NotHandled(CHAR *pszMessage)
+ *
+ * Warn that a case is not handled by the thunk compiler.
+ * Output to stderr and the asm file.
+ *
+ * Entry: pszMessage - null-terminated message.
+ *
+ * Exit: the warning has been emitted.
+ */
+void cod_NotHandled(CHAR *pszMessage)
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s, not handled\n", pszMessage);
+ printf( "\t.err\t\t\t;%s, not handled\n", pszMessage);
+/* Debugging routines */
+/*** cod_DumpAllowNodes(A)
+ *
+ * This function dumps the allow node list.
+ *
+ * Entry: A - pointer to allow node.
+ *
+ * Exit: allow nodes are dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpAllowNodes(AllowNode *A)
+ if (!A)
+ return;
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"AV: ");
+ while (A) {
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"%lxh, ",A->ulValue);
+ A = A->Next;
+ }
+/*** cod_DumpTNode(T)
+ *
+ * This function dumps a type node.
+ *
+ * Entry: T - pointer to type node.
+ *
+ * Exit: type node is dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpTNode(TypeNode *T)
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\n%s",T->pchBaseTypeName);
+ if (T->pchIdent)
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\t%s", T->pchIdent);
+ if (T->iArraySize > 1)
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"[%u]",T->iArraySize);
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\tStructOffset = %u",T->iStructOffset);
+ if (T->iBaseType == TYPE_STRUCT)
+ cod_DumpTNodeList(T->pStructElems);
+ if (T->fSemantics != SEMANTIC_INPUT)
+ fprintf(StdDbg, "\tfSemantics = 0x%x", T->fSemantics);
+/*** cod_DumpTNodeList(T)
+ *
+ * This function dumps the list of type nodes.
+ *
+ * Entry: T - pointer to type node list.
+ *
+ * Exit: type nodes are dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpTNodeList(TypeNode *T)
+ while (T) {
+ cod_DumpTNode(T);
+ T = T->pNextNode;
+ }
+/*** cod_DumpStructures(T)
+ *
+ * This function dumps the structures of a given type node.
+ *
+ * Entry: T - pointer to type node.
+ *
+ * Exit: type node structures are dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpStructures(TypeNode *T)
+ sym_DumpTNodeList(T);
+/*** cod_DumpTypes(F)
+ *
+ * This function dumps all types associated with function node.
+ *
+ * Entry: F - pointer to function node.
+ *
+ * Exit: type nodes associated with given function node are dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpTypes(FunctionNode *F)
+ TypeNode *t;
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\n\ncod_DumpTypes for function %s\n\n",F->pchFunctionName);
+ t = F->ParamList;
+ while (t) {
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"%s offset = %u",typ_NonNull(t->pchIdent),t->iOffset);
+ if (t->iPointerType)
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\ttemp offset = %u ",t->iTempOffset);
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\tiBaseDataSize = %u",t->iBaseDataSize);
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\t%s",t->iDeleted?"DELETED\t":"");
+ cod_DumpAllowNodes(t->AllowList);
+ t = t->pNextNode;
+ }
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\n");
+/*** cod_DumpMapTable(pMT)
+ *
+ * This function dumps the map table.
+ *
+ * Entry: pMT - pointer to map table.
+ *
+ * Exit: map table is dumped.
+ */
+void cod_DumpMapTable(MapNode *pMT)
+ MapNode *Diver;
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\n\nDump of Mapping Table\n");
+ for (; pMT; pMT = pMT->pNextMapping) {
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\nParent %s => %s\n",
+ pMT->pFromNode->pchFunctionName,
+ pMT->pToNode->pchFunctionName);
+ Diver = pMT->pFamily;
+ for (; Diver; Diver = Diver->pNextMapping) {
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"\tChild %s => %s\n",
+ Diver->pFromNode->pchFunctionName,
+ Diver->pToNode->pchFunctionName);
+ if (Diver->pFamily) {
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"**** Error: Child has children *****");
+ cod_DumpMapTable(Diver->pFamily);
+ fprintf(StdDbg,"**** End Error Message *****");
+ }
+ }
+ }