path: root/private/ole32/com/remote/dde/server/ddeutils.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1015 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ole32/com/remote/dde/server/ddeutils.cxx b/private/ole32/com/remote/dde/server/ddeutils.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..272a6a2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/com/remote/dde/server/ddeutils.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
+* Module Name: ddeutils.c
+* Purpose: Conatains all the utility routines
+* Created: 1990
+* Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+* History:
+* Raor, Srinik (../../1990) Designed and coded
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole2int.h"
+//#include "cmacs.h"
+#include <dde.h>
+#include "srvr.h"
+#include "ddesrvr.h"
+#include "ddedebug.h"
+#define KB_64 65536
+extern ATOM aTrue;
+extern ATOM aFalse;
+extern ATOM aStdCreateFromTemplate;
+extern ATOM aStdCreate;
+extern ATOM aStdOpen;
+extern ATOM aStdEdit;
+extern ATOM aStdShowItem;
+extern ATOM aStdClose;
+extern ATOM aStdExit;
+extern ATOM aStdDoVerbItem;
+//ScanBoolArg: scans the argument which is not included in
+//the quotes. These args could be only TRUE or FALSE for
+//the time being. !!!The scanning routines should be
+//merged and it should be generalized.
+LPSTR lpstr,
+BOOL FAR *lpflag
+ LPSTR lpbool;
+ ATOM aShow;
+ char ch;
+ lpbool = lpstr;
+ // !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
+ while((ch = *lpstr) && (!(ch == ')' || ch == ',')))
+ lpstr++;
+ if(ch == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ *lpstr++ = NULL; // terminate the arg by null
+ // if terminated by paren, then check for end of command
+ // syntax.
+ // Check for the end of the command string.
+ if (ch == ')') {
+ if (*lpstr++ != ']')
+ return NULL;
+ if(*lpstr != NULL)
+ return NULL; //finally should be terminated by null.
+ }
+ aShow = GlobalFindAtomA (lpbool);
+ if (aShow == aTrue)
+ *lpflag = TRUE;
+ else {
+ if (aShow ==aFalse)
+ *lpflag = FALSE;
+ else
+ return NULL;;
+ }
+ return lpstr;
+// Function: CreateUnicodeFromAnsi
+// Synopsis: Creates a UNICODE string from an ANSI string
+// Effects: Makes a new UNICODE string from the given ANSI string.
+// The new UNICODE string is returned. Memory is allocated
+// using PrivMemAlloc
+// Arguments: [lpAnsi] -- Ansi version of string
+// Requires:
+// Returns: NULL if cannot create new string.
+// Signals:
+// Modifies:
+// Algorithm:
+// History: 6-07-94 kevinro Commented/cleaned
+// Notes:
+LPOLESTR CreateUnicodeFromAnsi( LPCSTR lpAnsi)
+ ULONG ccbuf;
+ LPOLESTR lpWideStr;
+ if ((ccbuf=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,lpAnsi,-1,buf,MAX_PATH))
+ == FALSE)
+ {
+ intrAssert(!"Unable to convert characters");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lpWideStr = (LPOLESTR) PrivMemAlloc(ccbuf * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (lpWideStr != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(lpWideStr,buf,ccbuf*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ }
+ return(lpWideStr);
+// Function: CreateAnsiFromUnicode
+// Synopsis: Creates an Ansi string from a UNICODE string
+// Effects: Makes a new ANSI string from the given UNICODE string.
+// The new string is returned. Memory is allocated
+// using PrivMemAlloc
+// Arguments: [lpUnicode] -- Unicode version of string
+// Requires:
+// Returns: NULL if cannot create new string.
+// Signals:
+// Modifies:
+// Algorithm:
+// History: 6-07-94 kevinro Commented/cleaned
+// Notes:
+LPSTR CreateAnsiFromUnicode( LPCOLESTR lpUnicode)
+ char buf[MAX_PATH];
+ ULONG ccbuf;
+ LPSTR lpAnsiStr;
+ ccbuf = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ lpUnicode,
+ -1,
+ buf,
+ NULL);
+ if (ccbuf == FALSE)
+ {
+ intrAssert(!"Unable to convert characters");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lpAnsiStr = (LPSTR) PrivMemAlloc(ccbuf * sizeof(char));
+ if (lpAnsiStr != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(lpAnsiStr,buf,ccbuf);
+ }
+ return(lpAnsiStr);
+//ScannumArg: Checks for the syntax of num arg in Execute and if
+//the arg is syntactically correct, returns the ptr to the
+//beginning of the next arg and also, returns the number
+//Does not take care of the last num arg in the list.
+LPSTR lpstr,
+LPINT lpnum
+ WORD val = 0;
+ char ch;
+ while((ch = *lpstr++) && (ch != ',')) {
+ if (ch < '0' || ch >'9')
+ return NULL;
+ val += val * 10 + (ch - '0');
+ }
+ if(!ch)
+ return NULL;
+ *lpnum = val;
+ return lpstr;
+//ScanArg: Checks for the syntax of arg in Execute and if
+//the arg is syntactically correct, returns the ptr to the
+//beginning of the next arg or to the end of the excute string.
+LPSTR lpstr
+ // !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
+ // first char should be quote.
+ if (*(lpstr-1) != '\"')
+ return NULL;
+ while(*lpstr && *lpstr != '\"')
+ lpstr++;
+ if(*lpstr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ *lpstr++ = NULL; // terminate the arg by null
+ if(!(*lpstr == ',' || *lpstr == ')'))
+ return NULL;
+ if(*lpstr++ == ','){
+ if(*lpstr == '\"')
+ return ++lpstr;
+ // If it is not quote, leave the ptr on the first char
+ return lpstr;
+ }
+ // terminated by paren
+ // already skiped right paren
+ // Check for the end of the command string.
+ if (*lpstr++ != ']')
+ return NULL;
+ if(*lpstr != NULL)
+ return NULL; //finally should be terminated by null.
+ return lpstr;
+// ScanCommand: scanns the command string for the syntax
+// correctness. If syntactically correct, returns the ptr
+// to the first arg or to the end of the string.
+INTERNAL_(WORD) ScanCommand
+LPSTR lpstr,
+WORD wType,
+LPSTR FAR * lplpnextcmd,
+ATOM FAR * lpAtom
+ // !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
+ // and not taking care of blanks arround the operators
+ // !!! We are not allowing blanks after operators.
+ // Should be allright! since this is arestricted syntax.
+ char ch;
+ LPSTR lptemp = lpstr;
+ while(*lpstr && (!(*lpstr == '(' || *lpstr == ']')))
+ lpstr++;
+ if(*lpstr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ch = *lpstr;
+ *lpstr++ = NULL; // set the end of command
+ *lpAtom = GlobalFindAtomA (lptemp);
+ if (!IsOleCommand (*lpAtom, wType))
+ if (ch == '(') {
+ ch = *lpstr++;
+ if (ch == ')') {
+ if (*lpstr++ != ']')
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ch != '\"')
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *lplpnextcmd = lpstr;
+ return OLE_COMMAND;
+ }
+ // terminated by ']'
+ if (*(*lplpnextcmd = lpstr)) // if no nul termination, then it is error.
+ return NULL;
+ return OLE_COMMAND;
+//MakeDataAtom: Creates a data atom from the item string
+//and the item data otions.
+ATOM aItem,
+int options
+ if (options == OLE_CHANGED)
+ return DuplicateAtom (aItem);
+ if (!aItem)
+ buf[0] = NULL;
+ else
+ GlobalGetAtomName (aItem, buf, MAX_STR);
+ if (options == OLE_CLOSED)
+ lstrcatW (buf, OLESTR("/Close"));
+ else {
+ if (options == OLE_SAVED)
+ lstrcatW (buf, OLESTR("/Save"));
+ else
+ AssertSz (0, "Bad option\n");
+ }
+ Puts ("MakeDataAtom "); Puts(buf); Putn();
+ if (buf[0])
+ return wGlobalAddAtom (buf);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+//DuplicateAtom: Duplicates an atom
+INTERNAL_(ATOM) DuplicateAtom
+ATOM atom
+ if (!atom)
+ return NULL;
+ GlobalGetAtomName (atom, buf, MAX_STR);
+ return wGlobalAddAtom (buf);
+// MakeGlobal: makes global out of strings.
+// works only for << 64k
+LPSTR lpstr
+ int len = 0;
+ HANDLE hdata = NULL;
+ LPSTR lpdata = NULL;
+ len = strlen (lpstr) + 1;
+ hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, len);
+ if (hdata == NULL || (lpdata = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hdata)) == NULL)
+ goto errRtn;
+ memcpy(lpdata, lpstr, (DWORD)len);
+ GlobalUnlock (hdata);
+ return hdata;
+ Assert (0);
+ if (lpdata)
+ GlobalUnlock (hdata);
+ if (hdata)
+ GlobalFree (hdata);
+ return NULL;
+ if (!ISATOM (aClass))
+ return FALSE;
+ WORD cb=GlobalGetAtomName (aClass, szProgID, MAX_STR);
+ Assert (cb>0 && cb < (MAX_STR - 1));
+ return CLSIDFromProgID(szProgID, lpclsid) == S_OK;
+// CLSIDFromAtomWithTreatAs
+// Input: *paClass
+// Output: *pclsid == corresponding CLSID, taking into account TreatAs and
+// AutoConvert
+// *paClass == atom correpsonding to *pclsid
+#pragma SEG(CLSIDFromAtomWithTreatAs)
+ (ATOM FAR* paClass,
+ LPCLSID pclsid,
+ CNVTYP FAR* pcnvtyp)
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,
+ "%p _IN CLSIDFromAtomWithTreatAs(paClass=%x,"
+ "pclsid=%x,pcnvtyp=%x)\n",0,
+ paClass,pclsid,pcnvtyp));
+ CLSID clsidNew;
+ if (!CLSIDFromAtom (*paClass, pclsid))
+ {
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ goto exitRtn;
+ }
+ DEBUG_GUIDSTR(clsidStr,pclsid);
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Guid %ws",clsidStr));
+ if (CoGetTreatAsClass (*pclsid, &clsidNew) == NOERROR)
+ {
+ DEBUG_GUIDSTR(newStr,pclsid);
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE," cnvtypTreatAs %ws\n",newStr));
+ if (pcnvtyp)
+ *pcnvtyp = cnvtypTreatAs;
+ }
+ else if (OleGetAutoConvert (*pclsid, &clsidNew) == NOERROR)
+ {
+ DEBUG_GUIDSTR(newStr,pclsid);
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE," cnvtypConvertTo %ws\n",newStr));
+ if (pcnvtyp)
+ *pcnvtyp = cnvtypConvertTo;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE," no conversion\n"));
+ if (pcnvtyp)
+ *pcnvtyp = cnvtypNone;
+ clsidNew = *pclsid; // no translation
+ }
+ hr = ProgIDFromCLSID(clsidNew, &szProgID);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE," ProgIDFromCLSID failed\n"));
+ goto exitRtn;
+ }
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"ProgIDFromCLSID returns %ws\n",szProgID));
+ *paClass = GlobalAddAtom (szProgID);
+ *pclsid = clsidNew;
+ CoTaskMemFree(szProgID);
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,
+ "%p OUT CLSIDFromAtomWithTreatAs returns %x\n",
+ 0,hr));
+ return hr;
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) PostMessageToClientWithReply
+HWND hWnd,
+UINT wMsg,
+WPARAM wParam, // posting window
+LPARAM lParam,
+UINT wReplyMsg
+ MSG msg;
+ if (!IsWindowValid (hWnd))
+ {
+ AssertSz(FALSE, "Client's window is missing");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!IsWindowValid ((HWND)wParam))
+ {
+ AssertSz (0, "Posting window is invalid");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Post message to client failed. Treat it as if we got the reply.
+ if (!PostMessageToClient (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam))
+ return FALSE;
+ return NOERROR == wTimedGetMessage (&msg, (HWND)wParam, WM_DDE_TERMINATE,
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) PostMessageToClient
+ HWND hWnd,
+ UINT wMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam
+ UINT c=0;
+ while (c < 10)
+ {
+ if (!IsWindowValid (hWnd)) {
+ Warn ("Client's window is missing");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Puts ("Posting"); Puth(wMsg); Puts("to"); Puth(hWnd); Putn();
+ if (PostMessage (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam))
+ return TRUE; // success
+ else
+ {
+ Yield();
+ c++; // try again
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) IsWindowValid
+ (HWND hwnd)
+ HTASK htask;
+ if (!IsWindow (hwnd))
+ return FALSE;
+ htask = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ if (IsTask(htask))
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+INTERNAL_(BOOL) UtilQueryProtocol
+ATOM aClass,
+LPOLESTR lpprotocol
+ HKEY hKey;
+ WCHAR cclass[MAX_STR];
+ if (!aClass)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!GlobalGetAtomName (aClass, cclass, MAX_STR))
+ return FALSE;
+ lstrcpyW (key, cclass);
+ lstrcatW (key, OLESTR("\\protocol\\"));
+ lstrcatW (key, lpprotocol);
+ lstrcatW (key, OLESTR("\\server"));
+ if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ return FALSE;
+ RegCloseKey (hKey);
+ return TRUE;
+ATOM aCmd,
+WORD wType
+ if (wType == WT_SRVR) {
+ if ((aCmd == aStdCreateFromTemplate)
+ || (aCmd == aStdCreate)
+ || (aCmd == aStdOpen)
+ || (aCmd == aStdEdit)
+ || (aCmd == aStdShowItem)
+ || (aCmd == aStdClose)
+ || (aCmd == aStdExit))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((aCmd == aStdClose)
+ || (aCmd == aStdDoVerbItem)
+ || (aCmd == aStdShowItem))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ (LPOLESTR szFile,
+ HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
+ LPBC pbc = NULL;
+ *ppUnk = NULL;
+ ErrRtnH (CreateBindCtx (0, &pbc));
+ ErrRtnH (CreateFileMoniker (szFile, &pmk));
+ ErrRtnH (pmk->BindToObject (pbc, NULL, IID_IUnknown, (LPLPVOID) ppUnk));
+ errRtn:
+// AssertOutPtrIface(hresult, *ppUnk);
+ if (pbc)
+ pbc->Release();
+ if (pmk)
+ pmk->Release();
+ return hresult;
+// SynchronousPostMessage
+// Post a message and wait for the ack.
+// (jasonful)
+INTERNAL SynchronousPostMessage
+ (HWND hWndTo, // also who you expect the reply from
+ UINT wMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+#ifdef _MAC
+ HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
+ static unsigned iCounter;
+ HWND hWndFrom = (HWND) wParam;
+ RetZ (IsWindowValid(hWndFrom));
+ RetZ (IsWindowValid(hWndTo));
+ Assert (wMsg != WM_DDE_INITIATE); // can't check for positive ack.
+ RetZS (PostMessage (hWndTo, wMsg, wParam, lParam), RPC_E_SERVER_DIED);
+ MSG msg;
+ RetErr (wTimedGetMessage (&msg, hWndFrom, WM_DDE_ACK, WM_DDE_ACK));
+ Assert (msg.message == WM_DDE_ACK);
+ if (!( GET_WM_DDE_ACK_STATUS(msg.wParam,msg.lParam) & POSITIVE_ACK))
+ hresult = ResultFromScode (RPC_E_DDE_NACK);
+ if (msg.hwnd != hWndFrom)
+ hresult = ResultFromScode (RPC_E_DDE_UNEXP_MSG);
+ return hresult;
+#endif _MAC
+INTERNAL wFileIsRunning
+ (LPOLESTR szFile)
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ RetErr (CreateBindCtx (0, &pbc));
+ ErrRtnH (CreateFileMoniker (szFile, &pmk));
+ hresult = pmk->IsRunning (pbc, NULL, NULL);
+ errRtn:
+ if (pbc)
+ pbc->Release();
+ if (pmk)
+ pmk->Release();
+ return hresult;
+// Function: IsFile
+// Synopsis: Given a handle to an atom, determine if it is a file
+// Effects: Attempts to get the files attributes. If there are no
+// attributes, then the file doesn't exist.
+// Arguments: [a] -- Atom for filename
+// Requires:
+// Returns:
+// Signals:
+// Modifies:
+// Algorithm:
+// History: 5-03-94 kevinro Commented/cleaned
+// Notes:
+ (ATOM a, BOOL FAR* pfUnsavedDoc)
+ LPBC pbc = NULL;
+ WCHAR szFile [MAX_STR];
+ if (0==GlobalGetAtomName (a, szFile, MAX_STR))
+ return FALSE;
+ DWORD dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes(szFile);
+ /* flags prevent sharing violation*/
+ if (dwAttribs != 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ if (pfUnsavedDoc)
+ *pfUnsavedDoc = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // This will deal with unsaved documents in the ROT.
+ // We do NOT want to call pmk->IsRunning because if a 2.0 client called
+ // DdeIsRunning, we do not want call it here, because then we get stuck
+ // in an infinite loop. We only care about true 2.0 running objects.
+ //
+ // BUGBUG: KevinRo There is a function (GetPathFromRot) that could replace
+ // the following code sequence.
+ //
+ BOOL f= NOERROR==CreateBindCtx (0, &pbc) &&
+ NOERROR==CreateFileMoniker (szFile, &pmk) &&
+ NOERROR==pbc->GetRunningObjectTable (&pROT) &&
+ NOERROR==pROT->IsRunning (pmk) ;
+ if (pROT)
+ pROT->Release();
+ if (pmk)
+ pmk->Release();
+ if (pbc)
+ pbc->Release();
+ if (pfUnsavedDoc)
+ *pfUnsavedDoc = TRUE;
+ return f;
+// wCompatibleClasses
+// Determine if class "aClient" is Auto-Converted to class "aSrvr" or
+// Treated-As class "aSrvr".
+// (Does not check if aClient==aSrvr)
+#pragma SEG(wCompatibleClasses)
+INTERNAL wCompatibleClasses
+ (ATOM aClient,
+ ATOM aSrvr)
+ CLSID clsidClient, clsidSrvr, clsidTo;
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ RetZS (CLSIDFromAtom (aClient, &clsidClient), S_FALSE);
+ RetZS (CLSIDFromAtom (aSrvr, &clsidSrvr ), S_FALSE);
+ if (NOERROR==OleGetAutoConvert (clsidClient, &clsidTo)
+ && clsidTo == clsidSrvr)
+ {
+ // aClient is Auto-Converted to aSrvr
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ hresult = CoGetTreatAsClass(clsidClient, &clsidTo);
+ if (hresult != NOERROR)
+ {
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_IERROR,
+ "wCompatibleClasses CoGetTreatAs returns %x\n",
+ hresult));
+ return(hresult);
+ }
+ if (clsidTo == clsidSrvr)
+ {
+ // aClient is Treated-As aSrvr
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ return ResultFromScode (S_FALSE); // not compatible
+// wCreateStgAroundNative
+// Build an OLE2 storage around 1.0 native data by putting it in
+// stream "\1Ole10Native" and creating valid CompObj and OLE streams.
+// Return the IStorage and the ILockBytes it is built on.
+INTERNAL wCreateStgAroundNative
+ (HANDLE hNative,
+ ATOM aClassOld,
+ ATOM aClassNew,
+ CNVTYP cnvtyp,
+ ATOM aItem,
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ LPOLESTR szUserType = NULL;
+ WCHAR szClassOld [256];
+ CLSID clsid;
+ ATOM aClass;
+ *ppstg = NULL;
+ intrDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,
+ "%p wCreateStgAroundNative(hNative=%x,aClassOld=%x"
+ ",aClassNew=%x cnvtyp=%x,aItem=%x)\n",
+ 0,hNative,aClassOld,aClassNew,cnvtyp,aItem));
+ // Create temporary docfile on our ILockBytes
+ ErrRtnH (CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal (NULL,/*fDeleteOnRelease*/TRUE,&plkbyt));
+ Assert (plkbyt);
+ ErrRtnH (StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes (plkbyt, grfCreateStg, 0, &pstg));
+ RetZ (pstg);
+ Assert (NOERROR==StgIsStorageILockBytes(plkbyt));
+ aClass = (cnvtyp == cnvtypConvertTo)?aClassNew:aClassOld;
+ if (CLSIDFromAtom (aClass,(LPCLSID)&clsid) == FALSE)
+ {
+ goto errRtn;
+ }
+ ErrRtnH (WriteClassStg (pstg, clsid));
+ // The UserType always corresponds to the clsid.
+ ErrRtnH (OleRegGetUserType (clsid, USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, &szUserType));
+ // The format is always the 1.0 format (classname/progid)
+ ErrZS (GlobalGetAtomName (aClassOld, szClassOld, 256), E_UNEXPECTED);
+ ErrRtnH (WriteFmtUserTypeStg (pstg, RegisterClipboardFormat(szClassOld),
+ szUserType));
+ if (cnvtyp == cnvtypConvertTo)
+ {
+ // SetConvertStg also writes a complete default Ole Stream
+ ErrRtnH (SetConvertStg (pstg, TRUE));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ErrRtnH (WriteOleStg (pstg, NULL, (CLIPFORMAT)0, NULL));
+ }
+ ErrRtnH (StSave10NativeData (pstg, hNative, FALSE));
+ if (aItem)
+ {
+ ErrRtnH (StSave10ItemName (pstg, wAtomNameA (aItem)));
+ }
+ *ppstg = pstg;
+ *pplkbyt = plkbyt;
+ return NOERROR;
+ errRtn:
+ if (pstg)
+ pstg->Release();
+ if (plkbyt)
+ plkbyt->Release();
+ CoTaskMemFree(szUserType);
+ return hresult;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ WCHAR sz[256]= {0};
+ if (a < 0xc000)
+ return FALSE;
+ WORD cb=GlobalGetAtomName (a, sz, 256);
+ Assert (lstrlenW(sz) == (int) cb);
+ return cb>0 && cb < MAX_STR;
+#include <limits.h>
+#undef GlobalFree
+ Assert ((GlobalFlags(h) & GMEM_LOCKCOUNT)==0);
+ if (!(p=GlobalLock(h)))
+ {
+ Puts ("Cannot free handle");
+ Puth (h);
+ Putn();
+ AssertSz(0, "Invalid Handle\r\n");
+ }
+ Assert (!IsBadReadPtr (p, (UINT) min (UINT_MAX, GlobalSize(h))));
+ Assert (GlobalUnlock(h)==0);
+ Verify (!GlobalFree (h));
+ Puts ("FREEING ");
+ Puth (h);
+ Putn ();
+ return NULL; // success
+#undef GlobalDeleteAtom
+INTERNAL_(ATOM) wGlobalDeleteAtom (ATOM a)
+ WCHAR sz[256];
+ Assert (0 != GlobalGetAtomName (a, sz, 256));
+ Assert (0==GlobalDeleteAtom (a));
+ return (ATOM)0;
+INTERNAL_(int) wCountChildren
+ (HWND h)
+ int c = 0;
+ HWND hwndChild = GetWindow (h, GW_CHILD);
+ while (hwndChild)
+ {
+ c++;
+ hwndChild = GetWindow (hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT);
+ }
+ return c;
+#endif // _DEBUG