local plugin = { name = 'altcraft', displayName = "AltCraft Core Plugin", onLoad = nil, onUnload = nil, onChangeState = nil, onTick = nil, onRequestBlockInfo = nil, } function plugin.onLoad () rmlui:LoadFontFace("altcraft/fonts/OpenSans-Regular") local con = rmlui.contexts["default"] con:LoadDocument("altcraft/ui/main-menu"):Show() con:LoadDocument("altcraft/ui/hud") con:LoadDocument("altcraft/ui/pause") con:LoadDocument("altcraft/ui/options") end function plugin.onChangeState (newState) local toHide = {} local toShow = {} for i,doc in ipairs(rmlui.contexts["default"].documents) do if doc.title == newState then toShow[#toShow+1]=doc else toHide[#toHide+1]=doc end end for i,doc in ipairs(toHide) do doc:Hide() end for i,doc in ipairs(toShow) do doc:Show() end end function plugin.onUnload () AC.LogInfo("AC Core unloaded") end require("altcraft/ui") function plugin.onTick (deltaTime) UpdateUi() if AC.GetGameState() and AC.GetGameState():GetPlayer() and AC.GetGameState():GetTimeStatus().worldAge > 0 then -- local player = AC.GetGameState():GetPlayer() -- player.pos.x = player.pos.x + deltaTime * 0.5 -- local playerPos = AC.GetGameState():GetPlayer().pos -- local wrld = AC.GetGameState():GetWorld() -- playerPosV = Vector.new(playerPos.x, playerPos.y - 1, playerPos.z) -- bid = wrld:GetBlockId(playerPosV) -- print(bid.id..":"..bid.state) end end local blocks = require("altcraft/blocks") blocks.RegisterBlocks() function plugin.onRequestBlockInfo(blockPos) return blocks.GetBlockInfo(blockPos) end AC.RegisterDimension(0, Dimension.new("overworld", true)) AC.RegisterDimension(-1, Dimension.new("the_nether", false)) AC.RegisterDimension(1, Dimension.new("the_end", false)) AC.RegisterPlugin(plugin) plugin = nil