balance * value, which denotes a debit or credit that's automatically applied to their * next invoice upon finalization. You may modify the value directly by using the * update customer API, * or by creating a Customer Balance Transaction, which increments or decrements * the customer's balance by the specified amount. * * Related guide: Customer Balance to * learn more. * * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount The amount of the transaction. A negative value is a credit for the customer's balance, and a positive value is a debit to the customer's balance. * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property null|string|\Stripe\CreditNote $credit_note The ID of the credit note (if any) related to the transaction. * @property string $currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency. * @property string|\Stripe\Customer $customer The ID of the customer the transaction belongs to. * @property null|string $description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. * @property int $ending_balance The customer's balance after the transaction was applied. A negative value decreases the amount due on the customer's next invoice. A positive value increases the amount due on the customer's next invoice. * @property null|string|\Stripe\Invoice $invoice The ID of the invoice (if any) related to the transaction. * @property bool $livemode Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. * @property string $type Transaction type: adjustment, applied_to_invoice, credit_note, initial, invoice_too_large, invoice_too_small, unspent_receiver_credit, or unapplied_from_invoice. See the Customer Balance page to learn more about transaction types. */ class CustomerBalanceTransaction extends ApiResource { const OBJECT_NAME = 'customer_balance_transaction'; const TYPE_ADJUSTMENT = 'adjustment'; const TYPE_APPLIED_TO_INVOICE = 'applied_to_invoice'; const TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE = 'credit_note'; const TYPE_INITIAL = 'initial'; const TYPE_INVOICE_TOO_LARGE = 'invoice_too_large'; const TYPE_INVOICE_TOO_SMALL = 'invoice_too_small'; const TYPE_UNSPENT_RECEIVER_CREDIT = 'unspent_receiver_credit'; const TYPE_ADJUSTEMENT = 'adjustment'; /** * @return string the API URL for this balance transaction */ public function instanceUrl() { $id = $this['id']; $customer = $this['customer']; if (!$id) { throw new Exception\UnexpectedValueException( "Could not determine which URL to request: class instance has invalid ID: {$id}", null ); } $id = Util\Util::utf8($id); $customer = Util\Util::utf8($customer); $base = Customer::classUrl(); $customerExtn = \urlencode($customer); $extn = \urlencode($id); return "{$base}/{$customerExtn}/balance_transactions/{$extn}"; } /** * @param array|string $_id * @param null|array|string $_opts * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\BadMethodCallException */ public static function retrieve($_id, $_opts = null) { $msg = 'Customer Balance Transactions cannot be retrieved without a ' . 'customer ID. Retrieve a Customer Balance Transaction using ' . "`Customer::retrieveBalanceTransaction('customer_id', " . "'balance_transaction_id')`."; throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException($msg); } /** * @param string $_id * @param null|array $_params * @param null|array|string $_options * * @throws \Stripe\Exception\BadMethodCallException */ public static function update($_id, $_params = null, $_options = null) { $msg = 'Customer Balance Transactions cannot be updated without a ' . 'customer ID. Update a Customer Balance Transaction using ' . "`Customer::updateBalanceTransaction('customer_id', " . "'balance_transaction_id', \$updateParams)`."; throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException($msg); } }