accountId = $accountId; $this->licenseKey = $licenseKey; $this->httpRequestFactory = isset($options['httpRequestFactory']) ? $options['httpRequestFactory'] : new RequestFactory(); if (isset($options['host'])) { $this->host = $options['host']; } if (isset($options['useHttps'])) { $this->useHttps = $options['useHttps']; } if (isset($options['userAgent'])) { $this->userAgentPrefix = $options['userAgent'] . ' '; } $this->caBundle = isset($options['caBundle']) ? $this->caBundle = $options['caBundle'] : $this->getCaBundle(); if (isset($options['connectTimeout'])) { $this->connectTimeout = $options['connectTimeout']; } if (isset($options['timeout'])) { $this->timeout = $options['timeout']; } if (isset($options['proxy'])) { $this->proxy = $options['proxy']; } } /** * @param string $service name of the service querying * @param string $path the URI path to use * @param array $input the data to be posted as JSON * * @throws InvalidInputException when the request has missing or invalid * data * @throws AuthenticationException when there is an issue authenticating the * request * @throws InsufficientFundsException when your account is out of funds * @throws InvalidRequestException when the request is invalid for some * other reason, e.g., invalid JSON in the POST. * @throws HttpException when an unexpected HTTP error occurs * @throws WebServiceException when some other error occurs. This also * serves as the base class for the above exceptions. * * @return array|null The decoded content of a successful response */ public function post(string $service, string $path, array $input): ?array { $requestBody = json_encode($input); if ($requestBody === false) { throw new InvalidInputException( 'Error encoding input as JSON: ' . $this->jsonErrorDescription() ); } $request = $this->createRequest( $path, ['Content-Type: application/json'] ); [$statusCode, $contentType, $responseBody] = $request->post($requestBody); return $this->handleResponse( $statusCode, $contentType, $responseBody, $service, $path ); } public function get(string $service, string $path): ?array { $request = $this->createRequest( $path ); [$statusCode, $contentType, $responseBody] = $request->get(); return $this->handleResponse( $statusCode, $contentType, $responseBody, $service, $path ); } private function userAgent(): string { $curlVersion = curl_version(); return $this->userAgentPrefix . 'MaxMind-WS-API/' . self::VERSION . ' PHP/' . \PHP_VERSION . ' curl/' . $curlVersion['version']; } private function createRequest(string $path, array $headers = []): Http\Request { array_push( $headers, 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->accountId . ':' . $this->licenseKey), 'Accept: application/json' ); return $this->httpRequestFactory->request( $this->urlFor($path), [ 'caBundle' => $this->caBundle, 'connectTimeout' => $this->connectTimeout, 'headers' => $headers, 'proxy' => $this->proxy, 'timeout' => $this->timeout, 'userAgent' => $this->userAgent(), ] ); } /** * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code of the response * @param string|null $contentType the Content-Type of the response * @param string|null $responseBody the response body * @param string $service the name of the service * @param string $path the path used in the request * * @throws AuthenticationException when there is an issue authenticating the * request * @throws InsufficientFundsException when your account is out of funds * @throws InvalidRequestException when the request is invalid for some * other reason, e.g., invalid JSON in the POST. * @throws HttpException when an unexpected HTTP error occurs * @throws WebServiceException when some other error occurs. This also * serves as the base class for the above exceptions * * @return array|null The decoded content of a successful response */ private function handleResponse( int $statusCode, ?string $contentType, ?string $responseBody, string $service, string $path ): ?array { if ($statusCode >= 400 && $statusCode <= 499) { $this->handle4xx($statusCode, $contentType, $responseBody, $service, $path); } elseif ($statusCode >= 500) { $this->handle5xx($statusCode, $service, $path); } elseif ($statusCode !== 200 && $statusCode !== 204) { $this->handleUnexpectedStatus($statusCode, $service, $path); } return $this->handleSuccess($statusCode, $responseBody, $service); } /** * @return string describing the JSON error */ private function jsonErrorDescription(): string { $errno = json_last_error(); switch ($errno) { case \JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: return 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.'; case \JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: return 'Invalid or malformed JSON.'; case \JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: return 'Control character error.'; case \JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: return 'Syntax error.'; case \JSON_ERROR_UTF8: return 'Malformed UTF-8 characters.'; default: return "Other JSON error ($errno)."; } } /** * @param string $path the path to use in the URL * * @return string the constructed URL */ private function urlFor(string $path): string { return ($this->useHttps ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $this->host . $path; } /** * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code * @param string|null $contentType the response content-type * @param string|null $body the response body * @param string $service the service name * @param string $path the path used in the request * * @throws AuthenticationException * @throws HttpException * @throws InsufficientFundsException * @throws InvalidRequestException */ private function handle4xx( int $statusCode, ?string $contentType, ?string $body, string $service, string $path ): void { if ($body === null || $body === '') { throw new HttpException( "Received a $statusCode error for $service with no body", $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } if ($contentType === null || !strstr($contentType, 'json')) { throw new HttpException( "Received a $statusCode error for $service with " . 'the following body: ' . $body, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } $message = json_decode($body, true); if ($message === null) { throw new HttpException( "Received a $statusCode error for $service but could " . 'not decode the response as JSON: ' . $this->jsonErrorDescription() . ' Body: ' . $body, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } if (!isset($message['code']) || !isset($message['error'])) { throw new HttpException( 'Error response contains JSON but it does not ' . 'specify code or error keys: ' . $body, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } $this->handleWebServiceError( $message['error'], $message['code'], $statusCode, $path ); } /** * @param string $message the error message from the web service * @param string $code the error code from the web service * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code * @param string $path the path used in the request * * @throws AuthenticationException * @throws InvalidRequestException * @throws InsufficientFundsException */ private function handleWebServiceError( string $message, string $code, int $statusCode, string $path ): void { switch ($code) { case 'IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND': case 'IP_ADDRESS_RESERVED': throw new IpAddressNotFoundException( $message, $code, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); case 'ACCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED': case 'ACCOUNT_ID_UNKNOWN': case 'AUTHORIZATION_INVALID': case 'LICENSE_KEY_REQUIRED': case 'USER_ID_REQUIRED': case 'USER_ID_UNKNOWN': throw new AuthenticationException( $message, $code, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); case 'OUT_OF_QUERIES': case 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS': throw new InsufficientFundsException( $message, $code, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); case 'PERMISSION_REQUIRED': throw new PermissionRequiredException( $message, $code, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); default: throw new InvalidRequestException( $message, $code, $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } } /** * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code * @param string $service the service name * @param string $path the URI path used in the request * * @throws HttpException */ private function handle5xx(int $statusCode, string $service, string $path): void { throw new HttpException( "Received a server error ($statusCode) for $service", $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } /** * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code * @param string $service the service name * @param string $path the URI path used in the request * * @throws HttpException */ private function handleUnexpectedStatus(int $statusCode, string $service, string $path): void { throw new HttpException( 'Received an unexpected HTTP status ' . "($statusCode) for $service", $statusCode, $this->urlFor($path) ); } /** * @param int $statusCode the HTTP status code * @param string|null $body the successful request body * @param string $service the service name * * @throws WebServiceException if a response body is included but not * expected, or is not expected but not * included, or is expected and included * but cannot be decoded as JSON * * @return array|null the decoded request body */ private function handleSuccess(int $statusCode, ?string $body, string $service): ?array { // A 204 should have no response body if ($statusCode === 204) { if ($body !== null && $body !== '') { throw new WebServiceException( "Received a 204 response for $service along with an " . "unexpected HTTP body: $body" ); } return null; } // A 200 should have a valid JSON body if ($body === null || $body === '') { throw new WebServiceException( "Received a 200 response for $service but did not " . 'receive a HTTP body.' ); } $decodedContent = json_decode($body, true); if ($decodedContent === null) { throw new WebServiceException( "Received a 200 response for $service but could " . 'not decode the response as JSON: ' . $this->jsonErrorDescription() . ' Body: ' . $body ); } return $decodedContent; } private function getCaBundle(): ?string { $curlVersion = curl_version(); // On OS X, when the SSL version is "SecureTransport", the system's // keychain will be used. if ($curlVersion['ssl_version'] === 'SecureTransport') { return null; } $cert = CaBundle::getSystemCaRootBundlePath(); // Check if the cert is inside a phar. If so, we need to copy the cert // to a temp file so that curl can see it. if (substr($cert, 0, 7) === 'phar://') { $tempDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $newCert = tempnam($tempDir, 'geoip2-'); if ($newCert === false) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Unable to create temporary file in $tempDir" ); } if (!copy($cert, $newCert)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Could not copy $cert to $newCert: " . var_export(error_get_last(), true) ); } // We use a shutdown function rather than the destructor as the // destructor isn't called on a fatal error such as an uncaught // exception. register_shutdown_function( function () use ($newCert) { unlink($newCert); } ); $cert = $newCert; } if (!file_exists($cert)) { throw new \RuntimeException("CA cert does not exist at $cert"); } return $cert; } }