gen.survey.str <- function(colnames.dsa, questions.file, items.file){ #import questions file questions <- fread(questions.file, skip=1, header=F, select=c(2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10), col.names=c("", "variable", "tip", "size", "visible", "params")) #create variable list from survey data file #remove "recnum" and "_text" fields <- colnames.dsa[sapply(colnames.dsa, function(x){substr(x, nchar(x)-4, nchar(x))})!="_text"] #create variable list from questions file var.questions <- questions$variable #generate data.table from list survey.str <- data.table(variable = setkey(questions, "variable") setkey(survey.str, "variable") #if all in var.questions, do the simple merge and return file if(all( %in% var.questions)){ survey.str <- questions[survey.str,] return(survey.str) }else{ #if not, import items file and do additional merge with it... #import items file items <- fread(items.file, skip=1, header=F, select=c(2, 3, 4), col.names=c("", "", "variable")) setkey(items, "") setkey(questions, "") #bind variables from questions and items (for the later, only take instances with no match in the questions file...) survey.str.qi <- rbindlist(list(questions[var.questions %in%,], items[questions[!(var.questions %in%, -"variable", with=F], nomatch=0L]), fill=T) #merge questions+items with survey data... setkey(survey.str.qi, "variable") setkey(survey.str, "variable") survey.str <- survey.str.qi[survey.str,] #if all is now matched, return the survey.str if(!(any({ return(survey.str) }else{ #if not, do additional merging... #create index of all NA instaces from survey.str... index <- apply(cbind(survey.str[,], (sapply(survey.str[, variable], function(x){ substr(x, 1, regexpr("\\_[^\\_]*$", x)-1) }) %in% survey.str.qi$variable) ), 1, all) #... using regex to find matches among unmatched instances from survey.str.qi add <- merge(survey.str[index, list(variable, substr(variable, 1, regexpr("\\_[^\\_]*$", variable)-1))], survey.str.qi[!(variable %in% survey.str$variable),], by.x="V2", by.y="variable", all.y=F)[, list(,, tip, visible, size, params)] #update survey.str with new values survey.str[index, c("", "", "tip", "visible", "size", "params") := as.list(add)] #if there is no NAs left, return survey.str, else return msg if(!(any($tip)))){ return(survey.str) }else{ return(paste("No match found for: ", survey.str[, variable])) } } } }