false); // za shrambo parametrov in sporocil var $pdf; var $currentStyle; private $headFileName = null; # pot do header fajla private $dataFileName = null; # pot do data fajla private $dataFileStatus = null; # status data datoteke /** * @desc konstruktor */ function __construct ($anketa = null, $sprID = null) { global $site_path; global $global_user_id; // preverimo ali imamo stevilko ankete if ( is_numeric($anketa) ){ $this->anketa['id'] = $anketa; $this->spremenljivka = $sprID; SurveyAnalysis::Init($this->anketa['id']); SurveyAnalysis::$setUpJSAnaliza = false; // create new PDF document $this->pdf = new enka_TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false); // Poskrbimo za datoteko s podatki $SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance(); $SDF->init($this->anketa['id']); $SDF->prepareFiles(); $this->headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName(); $this->dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName(); $this->dataFileStatus = $SDF->getStatus(); // Nastavimo da izpisujemo samo prvih 5 spremenljivk $_GET['spr_limit'] = 5; // Nastavimo da nikoli ne izpisemo vabila $_GET['email'] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::Init($this->anketa['id']); } else{ $this->pi['msg'] = "Anketa ni izbrana!"; $this->pi['canCreate'] = false; return false; } if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) && $this->init()){ $this->anketa['uid'] = $global_user_id; SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id'], $this->anketa['uid']); } else return false; // ce smo prisli do tu je vse ok $this->pi['canCreate'] = true; return true; } // SETTERS && GETTERS function checkCreate() { return $this->pi['canCreate']; } function getFile($fileName) { //Close and output PDF document ob_end_clean(); $this->pdf->Output($fileName, 'I'); } function init() { global $lang; // array used to define the language and charset of the pdf file to be generated $language_meta = Array(); $language_meta['a_meta_charset'] = 'UTF-8'; $language_meta['a_meta_dir'] = 'ltr'; $language_meta['a_meta_language'] = 'sl'; $language_meta['w_page'] = $lang['page']; //set some language-dependent strings $this->pdf->setLanguageArray($language_meta); //set margins $this->pdf->setPrintHeaderFirstPage(true); $this->pdf->setPrintFooterFirstPage(true); $this->pdf->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT); $this->pdf->SetHeaderMargin(PDF_MARGIN_HEADER); $this->pdf->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); // set header and footer fonts $this->pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(FNT_HEADER_TEXT, "I", FNT_HEADER_SIZE)); $this->pdf->setFooterFont(Array(FNT_HEADER_TEXT, 'I', FNT_HEADER_SIZE)); // set document information $this->pdf->SetAuthor('An Order Form'); $this->pdf->SetTitle('An Order'); $this->pdf->SetSubject('An Order'); // set default header data $this->pdf->SetHeaderData(null, null, "www.1ka.si", $this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim())); //set auto page breaks $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); $this->pdf->SetFont(FNT_MAIN_TEXT, '', FNT_MAIN_SIZE); //set image scale factor $this->pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); return true; } function encodeText($text) { // popravimo sumnike ce je potrebno $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $text = str_replace(array("š","š","č"),array("�","�","�"),$text); return strip_tags($text); } function createPdf(){ global $site_path; global $lang; // izpisemo prvo stran //$this->createFrontPage(); $this->pdf->AddPage(); $this->pdf->setFont('','B','11'); $this->pdf->MultiCell(150, 5, $lang['export_list'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->ln(5); $this->displayTable(); } function displayTable(){ global $site_path; global $lang; $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/'; //polovimo podatke o nastavitvah trenutnega profila (missingi..) SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData = SurveyMissingProfiles::getProfile(SurveyAnalysis::$currentMissingProfile); #preberemo HEADERS iz datoteke SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName)); #odstranimo sistemske variable SurveyAnalysis::removeSystemVariables(); SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_DATA] = 1; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_SPR_LIMIT] = 5; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_META] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_EMAIL] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_RELEVANCE] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_STATUS] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_EDIT] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_PRINT] = 0; SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_MONITORING] = 0; if(SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS['view_date']) SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS[VAR_SPR_LIMIT]++; # ponastavimo nastavitve- filter SurveyDataDisplay::setUpFilter(); // Prestejemo stevilo stolpcev za vsako spremenljivko $spr_cont = 0; $rowArray = array(); $row_count = 0; // visine naslovnih vrstic $first_height = 0; $second_height = 0; $third_height = 0; if(SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS['view_date']){ $row_count ++; } foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) { # preverjamo ali je meta if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm' && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES)){ # ali imamo sfiltrirano spremenljivko if ($vars_count == 0 || ($vars_count > 0 && isset(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$spid])) && count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) { // prikazemo samo prvih 5 spremenljivk if($spr_cont < 5) { $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_grd'] = count($spremenljivka['grids']); $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_var'] = count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']); $row_count += count($spremenljivka['grids'][0]['variables']) * count($spremenljivka['grids']); } $spr_cont++; } } } $max_width = 180; $single_width = floor($max_width / $row_count); $single_width = ($single_width < 7) ? 7 : $single_width; $this->pdf->setFont('','B','5'); $this->pdf->setDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 255); // PRVA VRSTICA (naslovi spremenljivk) $spr_cont = 0; if(SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS['view_date']){ $width = $single_width; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($lang['srv_data_date']), $width-5), 1, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) { # preverjamo ali je meta if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm' && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES)){ # ali imamo sfiltrirano spremenljivko if ($vars_count == 0 || ($vars_count > 0 && isset(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$spid]))) { // prikazemo samo prvih 5 spremenljivk if ($spr_cont < 5) { $width = $single_width * $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_var'] * $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_grd']; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($spremenljivka['naslov']), $width-5), 1, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } $spr_cont++; } } } $this->pdf->MultiCell(1, 5, '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); // DRUGA VRSTICA (imena gridov) $spr_cont = 0; if(SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS['view_date']){ $width = $single_width; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($lang['srv_data_date']), $width-5), 1, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) { # preverjamo ali je meta if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm' && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES)){ # ali imamo sfiltrirano spremenljivko if ($vars_count == 0 || ($vars_count > 0 && isset(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$spid])) && count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) { // prikazemo samo prvih 5 spremenljivk if ($spr_cont < 5) { foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) { $width = $single_width * $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_var']; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($grid['naslov']), $width-5), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } } $spr_cont++; } } } $this->pdf->MultiCell(1, 5, '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); // TRETJA VRSTICA (imena variabel) $spr_cont = 0; if(SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARS['view_date']){ $width = $single_width; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($lang['srv_data_date']), $width-5), 1, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) { # preverjamo ali je meta if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm' && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES)){ # ali imamo sfiltrirano spremenljivko if ($vars_count == 0 || ($vars_count > 0 && isset(SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_VARIABLES[$spid])) && count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) { // prikazemo samo prvih 5 spremenljivk if($spr_cont < 5) { foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) { if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) { foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){ $text = $variable['naslov']; if ($variable['other'] == 1) $text .= ' (text)'; $width = $single_width; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->snippet($this->encodeText($text), $width-5), 1, 'C', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); } } } } $spr_cont++; } } } $this->pdf->MultiCell(1, 5, '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->setFont('','','5'); // Nastavimo stevilo izpisov - prikazemo vse $_REC_LIMIT = ''; //$_REC_LIMIT = ' NR==1,NR==50'; $_command = ''; #preberemo podatke // polovimo vrstice z statusom 5,6 in jih damo v začasno datoteko if (IS_WINDOWS) { $_command = 'gawk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" "BEGIN {OFS=\"\x7C\"} '.SurveyDataDisplay::$_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER.' { print $0 }" '.$this->dataFileName; } else { $_command = 'awk -F"'.STR_DLMT.'" \'BEGIN {OFS="\x7C"} '.SurveyDataDisplay::$_CURRENT_STATUS_FILTER.' { print $0 }\' '.$this->dataFileName; } // paginacija po stolpcih (spremenljivkah) if (IS_WINDOWS) { $_command .= ' | cut -d "|" -f 1,'.SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARIABLE_FILTER; } else { $_command .= ' | cut -d \'|\' -f 1,'.SurveyDataDisplay::$_VARIABLE_FILTER; } if ($_REC_LIMIT != '') { #paginating if (IS_WINDOWS) { $_command .= ' | awk '.$_REC_LIMIT; } else { $_command .= ' | awk '.$_REC_LIMIT; } } else { #$file_sufix = 'filtred_spr_pagination'; } // zamenjamo | z - NI POTREBNO if (IS_WINDOWS) { //$_command .= ' | sed "s*'.STR_DLMT.'*'.STR_LESS_THEN.'/td'.STR_GREATER_THEN.STR_LESS_THEN.'td'.STR_GREATER_THEN.'*g" >> '.$folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT; $_command .= ' >> '.$folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT; } else { //$_command .= ' | sed \'s*'.STR_DLMT.'**g\' >> ' //.$folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT; $_command .= ' >> '.$folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT; } if (IS_WINDOWS) { # ker so na WINsih težave z sortom, ga damo v bat fajl in izvedemo :D $file_handler = fopen($folder.'cmd_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_to_run.bat',"w"); fwrite($file_handler,$_command); fclose($file_handler); $out_command = shell_exec($folder.'cmd_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_to_run.bat'); unlink($folder.'cmd_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_to_run.bat'); } else { $out_command = shell_exec($_command); } if (file_exists($folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT)) { $f = fopen ($folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT, 'r'); while ($line = fgets ($f)) { $dataArray = array(); $dataArray = explode('|', $line); // Ne upostevamo prve vrednosti (ID) array_shift($dataArray); foreach($dataArray as $key => $val){ $break = ($spr_cont == 4 && $gid == $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_grd']-1 && $vid == $rowArray[$spr_cont]['cnt_var']-1) ? 1 : 0; $width = $single_width; $this->pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $this->encodeText($val), 1, 'C', 0, $break, 0 ,0, true); } $this->pdf->MultiCell(1, 5, '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); } } if ($f) { fclose($f); } if (file_exists($folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT)) { unlink($folder.'tmp_export_'.$this->anketa['id'].'_data'.TMP_EXT); } } // dodamo prvo stran function createFrontPage(){ $this->pdf->AddPage(); $this->pdf->SetFont(FNT_MAIN_TEXT, '', 16); // dodamo naslov $this->pdf->SetFillColor(224, 235, 255); $this->pdf->SetTextColor(0); $this->pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 0, 0); $this->pdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); $this->pdf->Sety(100); $this->pdf->Cell(0, 16, $this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle()), 1, 1,'C', 1, 0,0); // dodamo info: $this->pdf->SetFont(FNT_MAIN_TEXT, '', 12); $this->currentStyle = array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(128, 0, 0)); $this->pdf->ln(30); // $this->pdf->Write (0, $this->encodeText("Info:"), '', 0, 'l', 1, 1); $this->drawLine(); // avtorja, št vprašanj, datum kreiranja $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_shortname'].': '.$this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim()), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle() != SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim()) $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_longname'].': '.$this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle()), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_qcount'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyQuestionCount(), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_active_from'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyStartsDate(), 0, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_active_until'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyExpireDate(), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_author'].': '.$this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInsertName()), 0, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_edit'].': '.$this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyEditName()), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_date'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInsertDate(), 0, 'L', 0, 0, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_date'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyEditDate(), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInfo() ) $this->pdf->MultiCell(95, 5, $lang['export_firstpage_desc'].': '.$this->encodeText(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInfo()), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 0 ,0, true); $this->pdf->SetFont(FNT_MAIN_TEXT, '', FNT_MAIN_SIZE); $this->pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); } function setUserId($usrId) {$this->anketa['uid'] = $usrId;} function getUserId() {return ($this->anketa['uid'])?$this->anketa['uid']:false;} function formatNumber($value,$digit=0,$sufix="") { if ( $value <> 0 && $value != null ) $result = round($value,$digit); else $result = "0"; $result = number_format($result, $digit, ',', '.').$sufix; return $result; } function drawLine() { $cy = $this->pdf->getY(); $this->pdf->Line(15, $cy , 195, $cy , $this->currentStyle); } /*Skrajsa tekst in doda '...' na koncu*/ function snippet($text,$length=64,$tail="...") { $text = trim($text); $txtl = strlen($text); if($txtl > $length) { for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++) { if($i == $length) { return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail; } } $text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail; } return $text; } } ?>