/*************************************************************************** * Example sketch for the ADS1115_WE library * * This is an experimental sketch * * Further information can be found on: * https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/ads1115 * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #define I2C_ADDRESS 0x48 ADS1115_WE adc(I2C_ADDRESS); // ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE(); // Alternative: uses default address 0x48 void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); if(!adc.init()){ Serial.println("ADS1115 not connected!"); } adc.setVoltageRange_mV(ADS1115_RANGE_1024); //comment line/change parameter to change range adc.setCompareChannels(ADS1115_COMP_0_1); //comment line/change parameter to change channel adc.setMeasureMode(ADS1115_CONTINUOUS); //comment line/change parameter to change mode Serial.println("ADS1115 Example Sketch - Eperimental Sketch to test getResultWithRange"); Serial.println(); } void loop() { float voltage = 0.0; int mappedResult = 0; voltage = adc.getResult_mV(); // alternative: getResult_mV for Millivolt mappedResult = adc.getResultWithRange(0, 255); Serial.print("Channel 0 vs GND [mV]: "); Serial.println(voltage); Serial.print("Mapped Result : "); Serial.println(mappedResult); Serial.println("-------------------------------"); delay(2000); }