path: root/
blob: de155c4befd14d0a7542c3d3c6351a80b58e9e8c (plain) (tree)









title: Technicolor AFM0002
has_children: false
parent: ONT

# Technicolor AFM0002TIM/FWB/WND

## Hardware Specifications

|             |                                                 |
| Vendor      | Technicolor                                     |
| Model       | AFM0002TIM/FWB/WND                              |
| Alias       |                                                 |
| Chipset     | Realtek RTL9601B                                |
| Flash       |                                                 |
| RAM         |                                                 |
| System      | Linux (Luna SDK)                                |
| HSGMII      | NO                                              |
| Optics      |                                                 |
| IP address  |                                     |
| Web Gui     | Can be enabled, user `admin`, password `system` |
| SSH         | ✅ user `admin`, password `system`              |
| Form Factor | miniONT SFP                                     |

## List of software versions
- V1_7_8_181123
- V1_7_8_210928
- V1_7_8_210412

## List of partitions

| dev   | size     | erasesize | name            |
| mtd0  | 00040000 | 00001000  | "boot"          |
| mtd1  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env"           |
| mtd2  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env2"          |
| mtd3  | 0003c000 | 00001000  | "config"        |
| mtd4  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "k0"            |
| mtd5  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "r0"            |
| mtd6  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "k1"            |
| mtd7  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "r1"            |
| mtd8  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_008" |
| mtd9  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_009" |
| mtd10 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_010" |
| mtd11 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_011" |
| mtd12 | 00300000 | 00001000  | "linux"         |
| mtd13 | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "rootfs"        |

This stick supports dual boot. 

`k0` and `r0` contains respectively the kernel and firmware of the first image, `k1` and `r1` of the second one

## List of firmware and files
### Useful files
- `/var/config/lastgood.xml` - Contains the user portion of the configuration
- `/var/config/lastgood-hs.xml` - Contains the "hardware" configuration (i.e. that _should_ not be changed)
- `/tmp/omcilog` - OMCI messages logs (must be enabeled, see below)

### Useful binaries
- `/etc/scripts/flash`  - Used to manipulate the config files in a samewhat safe manner
- `xmlconfig` - Used to low-level manipulate the XML config files. Called by `flash`
- `nv` - Used to manipulate the nvram storage, including persistent config entries via `nv setenv`/`nv getenv`
- `omcicli` - Used to interact with the running OMCI daemon
- `omci_app` - The OMCI daemon
- `diag` - Used to run low-level diagnostics commands on the stick

## Useful commands

### Enable the Web UI
# /bin/iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP

### Check the currently active image
# nv getenv sw_active
# nv getenv sw_version0
# nv getenv sw_version1

### Boot to a different image
# nv setenv sw_commit 0|1
# reboot

### Get/Set the ONT S/N
# /etc/scripts/bin flash get GPON_SN
# /etc/scripts/bin flash set GPON_SN TMBB0A1B2C3D

### Get/Set the ONT PLOAM password
Note: the password is in ASCII format
# /etc/scripts/bin flash get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD
# /etc/scripts/bin flash set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD AAAAAAAAAA

### Query a particular OMCI ME
# omcicli mib get MIB_IDX

## Low level modding
Note: this section is based on version `V1_7_8_210412` of the stick
### Trasnfer files from/to the stick
Works with binary files too, just run md5sum on source and destination to make sure you are not corrupting anything...
From the stick to the PC:
# ssh admin@ "cat /tmp/omcilog" > omcilog.log
From the PC to the stick
# cat lastgood.xml | ssh admin@  "cat > /var/config/lastgood.xml"
**Note:** on windows replace type with cat and run the commands from cmd (not powershell)
### Extract and repack the rootfs
# unsquashfs mtd5.bin
# mksquashfs squashfs-root rootfs -b 131072 -comp lzma -no-recovery
### Flash a new rootfs
**Note: you can only flash the inactive image**. So mtd4/5 if you are on image1, mtd6/7 if you are on image0.

The follwing examples flashes a new rootfs to image1 and boots to it
# flash_eraseall /dev/mtd7
# cat /tmp/ > /dev/mtd7
# nv setenv sw_commit=1
# reboot
### Add support to configurable SW and HW versions, VENDOR ID and much more
We can patch `/etc/scripts/flash` in order to add support for some variables implemented in `omci_app` but removed from `xmlconfig`. The patch is below (change the values to suit your needs)
--- squashfs-root/etc/scripts/flash     2021-09-28 10:38:52.000000000 +0200
+++ 2022-08-04 00:00:29.769605000 +0200
@@ -62,7 +62,26 @@
                if [ `echo $para | egrep $specific_mib_patten` ]; then
                        /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g" | sed -r "s/,+//g"
-                       /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g"
+                       case "$para" in
+                               "OMCI_EQID")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_EQID"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_VENDOR_ID")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_VENDOR"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_SW_VER1")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_SW_VER1"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_SW_VER2")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_SW_VER2"
+                                       ;;
+                               "OMCI_ONT_VER")
+                                       echo "$para=MY_HW_VER"
+                                       ;;
+                               *)
+                                       /bin/xmlconfig -g $para | sed -r "s/$rename_mib_name+/$2/g"
+                                       ;;
+                       esac
                if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                        exit 0
### Increase the length of the software version from 13 to 14 characters
`omci_app` has an hard-coded limit of 13 characters for the software version, which is too low. We can binary patch it to increase it to 14 (or more, if you dare/need)
Save it as omci_app.xdelta.b64, then run:
# base64 -d omci_app.xdelta.base64 > omci_app.xdelta
# xdelta patch omci_app.xdelta bin/omci_app bin/
# mv bin/ bin/omci_app
For reference, the patch changes the follwing section of the omci_app:
-00408c24 24 05 00 0e     li         a1,0xe
+00408c24 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xf
-00408cf0 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xe
+00408cf0 24 05 00 0f     li         a1,0xf
(It's inside the function referecing the string `OMCI_SW_VER1`)
## Miscellaneous Links