import random, string, time, re from ..typing import Union, Iterator, Messages from ..stubs import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionChunk from .core.engine import LocalProvider from .core.models import models IterResponse = Iterator[Union[ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionChunk]] def read_json(text: str) -> dict: match ="```(json|)\n(?P[\S\s]+?)\n```", text) if match: return"code") return text def iter_response( response: Iterator[str], stream: bool, response_format: dict = None, max_tokens: int = None, stop: list = None ) -> IterResponse: content = "" finish_reason = None completion_id = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=28)) for idx, chunk in enumerate(response): content += str(chunk) if max_tokens is not None and idx + 1 >= max_tokens: finish_reason = "length" first = -1 word = None if stop is not None: for word in list(stop): first = content.find(word) if first != -1: content = content[:first] break if stream and first != -1: first = chunk.find(word) if first != -1: chunk = chunk[:first] else: first = 0 if first != -1: finish_reason = "stop" if stream: yield ChatCompletionChunk(chunk, None, completion_id, int(time.time())) if finish_reason is not None: break finish_reason = "stop" if finish_reason is None else finish_reason if stream: yield ChatCompletionChunk(None, finish_reason, completion_id, int(time.time())) else: if response_format is not None and "type" in response_format: if response_format["type"] == "json_object": content = read_json(content) yield ChatCompletion(content, finish_reason, completion_id, int(time.time())) def filter_none(**kwargs): for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if kwargs[key] is None: del kwargs[key] return kwargs class LocalClient(): def __init__( self, **kwargs ) -> None: Chat = Chat(self) @staticmethod def list_models(): return list(models.keys()) class Completions(): def __init__(self, client: LocalClient): self.client: LocalClient = client def create( self, messages: Messages, model: str, stream: bool = False, response_format: dict = None, max_tokens: int = None, stop: Union[list[str], str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[ChatCompletion, Iterator[ChatCompletionChunk]]: stop = [stop] if isinstance(stop, str) else stop response = LocalProvider.create_completion( model, messages, stream, **filter_none( max_tokens=max_tokens, stop=stop, ), **kwargs ) response = iter_response(response, stream, response_format, max_tokens, stop) return response if stream else next(response) class Chat(): completions: Completions def __init__(self, client: LocalClient): self.completions = Completions(client)