#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2019 The freestyle-hid Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """CLI tool to send messages through FreeStyle HID protocol.""" import logging import pathlib import sys from typing import Optional import click import click_log import freestyle_hid logger = logging.getLogger() click_log.basic_config(logger) @click.command() @click_log.simple_verbosity_option(logger, "--vlog") @click.option( "--text-command-type", "-c", type=int, default=0x60, help="Message type for text commands sent to the device.", ) @click.option( "--text-reply-type", "-r", type=int, default=0x60, help="Message type for text replies received from the device.", ) @click.option( "--product-id", "-p", type=int, help="Optional product ID (in alternative to the device path)", ) @click.option( "--encoding", "-e", type=str, help="Encoding to use to decode commands returned by the meter", default="ascii", ) @click.option( "--encrypted-protocol / --no-encrypted-protocol", default=False, help=( "Whether to use the encrypted protocol to communicate to the device." " This is necessary to talk to Libre2 glucometers." ), ) @click.argument( "device-path", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, allow_dash=False), callback=lambda ctx, param, value: pathlib.Path(value) if value else None, required=False, ) @click.argument( "command", type=str, required=False, ) def main( *, text_command_type: int, text_reply_type: int, product_id: Optional[int], device_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], encoding: str, encrypted_protocol: bool, command: Optional[str], ): if not product_id and not device_path: raise click.UsageError( "One of --product-id or DEVICE_PATH need to be provided." ) session = freestyle_hid.Session( product_id, device_path, text_command_type, text_reply_type, encoding=encoding, encrypted=encrypted_protocol, ) session.connect() if command is not None: try: print(session.send_text_command(bytes(command, "ascii"))) except freestyle_hid.CommandError as error: print(f"! {error!r}") return while True: if sys.stdin.isatty(): command = input(">>> ") else: command = input() print(f">>> {command}") try: print(session.send_text_command(bytes(command, "ascii"))) except freestyle_hid.CommandError as error: print(f"! {error!r}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()